> 01 : Death <

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What's the most painful thing to witness?

For Taufan, it's seeing the ones he loved and cared about the most, crying their hearts out, that made his heart dropped the moment he saw them.

Crying, because of him.

He saw his own beloved brothers, gathered all around his grave. Some of them trying to refrain their tears from flowing down, while some just couldn't hold it in anymore and let it all out. They were grieving, yet, they were still hoping.

Hoping that their departed brother is still there with them, standing beside them to comfort each and every one of them, telling them that everything will be okay; and that he is there. Even though in reality, he's not.

Seeing his brothers in this condition, broke his heart. He wanted to be there for them. He wanted to dissipate that gloominess inside them. He wanted to replace it so bad.

But how can he do that? Now that he's gone, and was born into a ghostly-looking spirit. But, how kind fate was to him for giving him a few more minutes to live, but in a spirit form.

And for him to see his brothers one last time, before disappearing from this world.

The thought of leaving his brothers behind has never been written in his bucket list at all. All he wanted was to spend the rest of his life with his brothers, with his family, living happily together.

He wanted to go back to that day, where everything feels so right. Where everything feels so peaceful, just living a normal life with his brothers.

Sometimes, he wished for a second chance. A second chance to live. A second chance to be with his loved ones.

But he knew that, you can only live once.

With no time to waste, Taufan went closer to his brothers, letting them feel that he's just there with them, even though they couldn't see him. One by one, he hugged every one of his brothers, tightly but the feeling of warmth is coated there.

But the ones he hugged the longest was his two of his close brothers, Gempa and Halilintar, because they shared a great bond together, when it was only the three of them before.

He unconsciously smile while hugging his two brothers, remembering the past memories he had with them, as well as with their other brothers who came to their lives.

Although he was saddened by the fact that he'll never get to see his brothers again, but deep inside, he's happy.

He's happy because, he got to see them once more before his time is up. He's happy because, he saw how his brothers deeply cares for him.

Even their stubborn brother, Solar who mostly stays and spends all his time inside his room, got to attend his burial.

Suddenly, he noticed, his time is running out, and he needed to leave, especially his brothers behind. He hesitantly walked backwards away from them, his eyes still gazing at them.

Unknowingly, warm tears started trickling down his face as he took a step backward from his brothers everytime.

When he's finally away from them, he stopped, and gazed at his brothers one last time.

They will eventually move on. I know they will. He thought, as he curved a sad smile while staring at his brothers from afar.

Slowly, his body started fading, but his genuine smile never left his lips with his teary eyes still looking at his dearest brothers.

"Goodbye, guys."

7 DAYS OF TAUFAN [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now