¹ I loved you.

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the soft kicks in her womb wouldn't stop when irene smelled a scent of a food and her baby craved for it. she stood from her sofa in her apartment, wondering where the smell came from and somehow the amazing scent remind her of a memory.

a memory of the father of her child that she carry in her womb for eight months. yet, the scent made her smile as remember the memory as if it still fresh in her mind. irene remember when she first step into her friend's house with the same scent of the food.

a ratatouille, famous french food.

irene tilted her head, looking forward of the scent of ratatouille and found herself in the kitchen a her friend's house, saw a man around her age, tall and handsome were prepared ratatouille for movie night.

the man named kim taehyung, what an absolute cooker. "that smells good and it's tempting me." irene spoke to him as she walked over to island closer to him. taehyung looked up to the person next to him in surprised, found himself staring at the most beautiful person he ever met. "beau- oh yeah sure- of course it's ratatouille." he talked nervously. that's how they formed their friendship for months until they started to develop feelings for each other.

that's how their relationship formed by loving each other endlessly, support each other dreams and respect each other decisions. taehyung worked as a chef in a five star hotel and irene worked as a restaurant manager at her friend's. the two really worked hard to get their own money so that they won't be burdened to each other or everyone else.

until it reach to where both of them started to arguing about things not going as planned. taehyung were offered to outside the country in france and irene were disagrees with his choice of career for the first time. taehyung gave up on her and left her with a goodbye kiss on her lips. irene really wanted him to stay but there's nothing she can do, he just left saying that he loved her.

irene couldn't even get to tell him that she was pregnant at that time. how happy she were going to tell him about the news until taehyung mentioned that he had to left the country to achieve his dreams. she was heartbroken and doesn't even dare to abandon the baby she carried.

for the past eight months of being pregnant, she managed to live by her own that she can handle herself very well. eight months of her pregnancy, she never heard of him. irene felt so alone but the little soft kicks in her womb always reminds her that she's going to be a mother to her daughter.

the smell of ratatouille reminds her how much she had really loved the man.

the woman couldn't resist it longer the scent of the food anymore, her baby wants it and irene went to open apartment door to looking around where the smell came from and found out it was from her next door neighbourhood. for months of living here, irene never met any neighborhood from the same floor.

the ratatouille was tempting her badly and her baby hasn't stop kicking. "oh i know baby.., i want it too" she mumbled to her baby as she rubbed her big belly softly. she don't want to be a burden but who could say no to a pregnant woman right?  she prayed that to whoever lives next door has a soft heart.

irene brought a plate with her and here she is, standing in front of her neighbor's door. "here goes nothing.." she whispered before she knock on the door. she looked down to ground thinking that this is most embarrassing thing she might ever done in her life.

the door creaked open slowly, revealing a tall man which irene already expecting it and yet she hasn't looking up to the man. this is so weird to her to show at eleven pm on weekends.

"uh.. can i help you with anything?" she heard the man said and the voice sounded very familiar then she started to blushing for feeling so shy ashamed. she dont like bothering people.

"this is weird but i couldn't resist the smell of your ratatouille and i crave it so bad.. could you please give me a plate of it?" as to the end her sentences, irene finally looking up the person in front of her as she raised her plate to him and realised who she was talking to.

she gasped.

kim taehyung were looking at her from head to toe in surprised when he realised that it was bae juhyun, irene. for the past eight months, he never heard of her and here they are, standing face to face.

both of them were speechless.

taehyung cleared his throat "yeah sure, hold on a second." he said then took the plate from her small hands to the kitchen and put the ratatouille on her plate, he wasn't sure how much a pregnant woman would eat and he just glad that he cooked enough for him and for her.

irene blinked, couldn't believe what just happened. she didn't even know that he lived here and never saw him before ever since she's been living here for the past seven months. taehyung came back to her with her plate that full of ratatouille as he handed it to her gently.

"oh, thank you so much and i'm sorry for bothering you at late night.. uh goodnight." that was all she got to say and smiled at him awkwardly and rushed back to her apartment quickly.

she closed the door as her heart were beating faster and those memories she wished not to remember were brought back into her mind. irene couldn't help but let herself cry.

she doesn't wish to meet him here. 

the smell of ratatouille hit her hard and it makes her to eat it with tears streaming down on her cheeks. of course her baby keeps kicking because she liked it. somehow it made irene happy with it.

taehyung who were standing in his doorway, still couldn't figure out what just happened. he didn't know she live here and even pregnant, it really shocking him after of two weeks of living here after leaving france because he completed his contract of his job earlier. he seriously never saw her around and now she is living next to his door.

he had a lot questions in his mind. how long she has been pregnant? who is the father of the baby? why she looked more beautiful than the last he saw her? why she talked to him like they never met before? suddenly taehyung were being protective.


OMG hey guys, it's been a while since I deleted all my old fanfics, don't ask why I deleted them I have my own reasons. This fanfic were inspires by this picture below that I found it on twitter and decided to do my own. Hope y'all vrene shippers are still alive and read this fiction.

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