Chapter 2 ( We will meet again Mei~ )

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A/N:Hey guys thank you for waiting this story update.


Two weeks later~
(At Udagawa Mansion)

Mei was busy because she have to many work after she marrying Udagawa. 'knock knock knock' "come in" Mei answered. "Good Afternoon Oujou-Sama, you're grandfather was calling you in your husband room." the maid said.

"I'll be there in a few minutes." Mei answered while looking at her paperwork.

(After a few minutes~)

Mei saw her father waiting for her at her husband room ."Mei, I have something to discuss to you" Sho said with a sad and serious tone.

"What is it,Father?" Mei asked with a confuse face.
"Y-Yuzu has been missing for t-two weeks.Police are still investigating the case, I hope you want to stay with your stepmother." Sho said with a sad expression
Mei was so shocked and froze for a moment.

Mei P.O.V

"Y-Yuzu has been missing for t-two weeks.Police are still investigating the case, I hope you want to stay with your stepmother for a while." My father said with a sad expression.

I was so shocked and froze for a moment. "O-okay I will stay with mother... Do you want to go to, Udagawa?" I said and asked Udagawa."I think you might get along with your stepmother for a while" he said and smiling towards me "If you say so" I reply and leave the room with a nervous face 'Yuzu, what happened to you?' I thought for a second. I went to my room and packed my things up and going to my mother apartment.

At Ume Apartment~

'knock knock' I knock the door and wait for my mother to open the door. "Who is it?" My mother said "It's me mother, Mei" I answered. She suddenly open the door and hug me tightly, I heard her crying. I hugged her too "Mother... if you want to talk something about Yuzu, We can go inside" I said with a softly smile "T-thanks Mei" she said and smiling to me.

After that~ (I'm out of idea >^<)

I go to the bath and changed my clothes... I get out of my room and sit in front of my mother.

"How did Yuzu gone?" I asked her "S-She was on her way to go to school, b-but after 30 minutes she go... her teacher asked me if something happened with Yuzu cause she not at school" She answered

I froze for a moment... I don't know what to say, I was so confused...

"This is all my fault, I was the reason why Yuzu missing" she said and started crying

"It's not your fault, Mother... It's all my fault, I was the one who left and hurt her the most" I said to her and tears falling from my eyes

"It's okay, sweetie... I know you left her, but she always love you with all of her heart" she said while smile softly

"Thanks mother" I reply her smile "It's was late, maybe you should go to bed now" she said "O-okay mother I go to bed right now"

I feel so tired today... I lie down on my bed, ' It's smell like Yuzu ' I hugged her pillow and started to cry... After a minute, I started to fall asleep...

At Fujiwara House~

"Hey Yuzu" Fujiwara said and throw a bottle towards Yuzu

"What is it, Fujiwara-kun?" Yuzu asked

"Now you're become so popular..." Fujiwara laugh

"What do you mean?" Yuzu asked again

"You're face was in the news, you know... " he said and smile towards Yuzu

"I think you need new identity from now on? We need to make some make over for you" he smirk on Yuzu

"O-okay, can I choose my own fake name?" Fujiwara nodded
"My new name is Tokisaki Kuroko" she said and smiling happily.

" Nice name, where did you get it? From your weird imagination or something?" He said (lol)

"Of course it from my imagination you dummy." Yuzu said angrily while Fujiwara still laugh at her

"Okay, let's do the make over now. I will used natural color for hair... Okay" he said and Yuzu just nodded

"Which color do you want?" he asked "I want grey color" she answered excitedly

"Okay here we go" Fujiwara said

30 minutes later~

" Wow, I look so different, and look at my hair it look so natural... Woah " Yuzu said

" Next is your eyes color, which color do you want for your eyes? " He asked

" I want red color for my eyes " Yuzu said " W-wait do you want me to use contact lense or something?" Yuzu asked while confused

" I have a machine, that can turn your eyes into any color you want... Want to try it?" He asked and show her the machine

" It's look weird like you..." she laugh a bit "but I want to try it."

"Okay whatever... Now choose the color, kid." he said angrily

"I just kidding okay, don't take it serious... I pick red color for my eye!!" Yuzu shouted

After the make over~

Yuzu P.O.V
"Woah, I look cool..." I said and smile towards Fujiwara

" Yeah, it's look cool... Now I will tell my plan to destroy the 'Aihara'. So take it seriously" he said

"I will take it serious, it's not like I do all of this for a joke." I answered angrily

He passed me a map and said "This is the map of Aihara Mansion and Aihara Academy."

"O-okay, but why you give me this map?" I asking he

"Cause you will study at Aihara Academy" he said

"WHAT!?!?" I shout in front of he

"You will start tomorrow, so please sleep well tonight" he smirked and left the room

'Baka Fujiwara, maybe tommorow he will give me some information... I need too sleep well tonight'

I go to my room and lying on my bed after a few minutes I finally fell asleep.





A/N: Yo, Yo , Yo... Sorry If I update this story again.. Deeply apologize... The story suddenly was cut at the end... Hope you forgive me >^<!!!

To be continued~

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