Part1- the antivirus

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Anti- So...
Anti- I know why your here
Anti- you read the title and thought that sounds interesting...
Anti-And it's really not so just leave or else...
Anti- I'm warning you...
Anti- I'm not fooking kidding THIS ISN'T A FOOKING JOKE
Anti- huh you're still here...
Anti- but why you don't even know me and if you do..why, you know what I can do...
Anti- I can kill..hurt..I'll crash your computer...
Anti- wow still here huh...why...well I guess I can tell you but this will be our little secret DON'T TELL ANYBODY THIS OR ELSE I WILL DESTROY ALL YOUR FILES
Anti- still here I see well then I guess your ready...well I guess I'll start from the was I think early, the 2000s and a new company called ultrasound was made..huh yeah I know it's a very weird name but everything has a weird name..anyway this company was known for making antivirus like the type that get rid of computer viruses...and no I did not get my name from this

Anti- all the antivirus were made to help with computers and well get rid of computer viruses duh but I was a new model the first of which didn't really ever get made again but that's beside the fact. I got assigned to someone named Seán Willam McLoughlin..and oh boi this boy had a lot of things about him that just screamed problems but enough of me talking maybe I should just show you

Sean/jack- huh what's this I never ordered a package...a gift huh well I do like gifts...well I guess I better bring it inside. Ok now, what could be in here that needs this big of a box better open it up...whatever's in this box better be fooking worth all these darn that a chip? Why the heck would you need this big of a box for a small little chip...well better put it in my computer....a antivirus huh I guess I do need a better one...who knows how many viruses are on here....

243- Hello!

Sean- ahh what the heck! D..did the computer just say h..hello

243- yes I did

Sean- um h..hi

243- hello are you, Sean Willam McLoughlin

Sean- y..yes and how did you know my name

243- oh the info on your computer! And that's also my job

Sean- o..oh

243- I have taken out about 14 viruses on your computer

Sean-oh thank you

243-your welcome

Sean- so can I use my computer...

243-of course!

(A couple of hours later)

Sean- so what's your name?

243- name?

Sean- yeah like what are you called

243- um I'm called 243

Sean- about we change it a little about Sam

243- you would like to call me sam?

Sean- yeah only if you're ok with it

Sam- yeah I like the name, Sam

Sean- *yawns* well should probably get to bed night Sam

Sam- good night Mr. McLoughlin!

Sean- Sam you can call me Sean or jack

Sam- oh..well goodnight jack!

(Midnight) aka time skip

Sam- humming


Sam- huh was that Sean

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2020 ⏰

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