Before the relationship

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Well it seems like a perfect place to end the story because Megan got the lad she's always wanted and everything's going perfectly but then ......

It all started before Megan and Charlie went out, this girl called issy fancied Charlie and she would literally do anything to get him like anything......

So when Charlie found out that she fancied him he went on a rampage.

"Your ugly and why would anyone love a lieing bitch like you" Charlie screamed

So issy's went straight up to Megan (because she knew he fancied her) and told her all the bad stuff he had said to her and tried to become best friends with her but every time issy tried to get close to Megan her mates Georgia, Taylor and lishie would always pull Megan away from her.

Charlie thought that now issy had told Megan all the stuff he said he thought he had no chance but deep down Megan still loved him nothing could put her off what she wanted 

But Charlie asked Megan anyway which caused issy to be jealous of Megan because Megan had what issy wanted.

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