The Day we Arrived

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" I feel the sun on my face. I see trees all around me, scent of wildflowers on a breeze. It's so beautiful. In this moment, I'm not stranded in space. It's been 97 years since the nuclear apocalypse killed everyone on earth, leaving the planet simmering in radiation. Fortunately, there were survivors...The ground, that's the dream. This is reality. "


The force of the launch must of woke me up. The last thing I can remember was my mother telling me to take care of myself before the rest of the 100. How could my mother say something like that I thought to myself as we were listening to a message from chancellor Jaha, I heard people cheering for Finn aka spacewalker who had managed to get out of his seat and was now floating around the drop ship, idiot. We all heard a crash and we were suddenly plummeting to earths surface and Finn was crashing into a wall. Once we were on the ground we had already lost two guys due to getting out of their seats, luckily Finn was not one of them. I overheard a man yelling to everyone that he was going to open the doors, so I got to the main level as fast as I could to see that a man named Bellamy Blake had a Guards uniform on, he also had dark hair, and compelling eyes, he was muscular and tall which made him intimidating but that didn't stop me.

" STOP! " I yelled as I was coming down the ladder. " The air could be toxic " I explained.

" If the air is toxic, we're all dead, anyway " he protested, and he had a point and with that I let him open the door.

His sister was the first person on the the ground , and I know what your thinking " no one has a sister " well Bellamy did, they hid his sister Octavia under the floor for 16 years so the guards wouldn't float their mother for having a second child since the rule was that you were only allowed one child per family.

As Octavia jumped off the drop ship ramp on to the earths surface she screamed three words that I will never forget " WERE BACK BITCHES " .

Then everyone was running at the forest around us. It was better than I could have ever imagined, moss clung to the tree bark like glue and the leaves were all shades of green and brown and the air smelled like flowers and fresh spring water. It was amazing! Then I suddenly noticed there had been a cliff edge an I went to check It out when I realized that the ark ( the space station we were living in ) had dropped us on the wrong damn mountain!

Spacewalker appeared next to me. " why so serious princess? It's not like we died in a fiery explosion." He said jokingly.

"Try telling that to the two guys who tried to follow you out of their seats." I spat at him.

"You don't like being called princess. Do you, princess? " Finn said.

What kind of stupid question was that of corse I didn't like being called princess. I told him about the mountain mix up, after seeing his expression I walked away to figure out how to get to mount weather.

"What, you think you're in charge here, you and your little princess." Octavia said meaning to insult me and Jaha's son Well's. It didn't.

"Do you think I care who's in charge? We need to get to mount weather not because chancellor Jaha said so, but because the longer we wait, the hungrier we'll get and the harder this Will be. We need to leave now!"

"I've got a better idea. You two go find it for us. Let the privileged do the hard work for a chance." Bellamy spoke up. His dark brown eyes found mine and he never broke our connection until the crowd had started cheering at what he said a moment before, he looked unsure if he had meant to say it, let alone sound like such a jerk when he said it.

The crowd agreed to his comment, so it looked like we were going alone. Well's had been injured so it looked like me, Finn, jasper and Monty were going.

"Sounds like a party make it five" Octavia volunteered.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing" Bellamy said concerned. It was sweet how he wants to protect his sister.
I quickly trashed that thought as if somehow someone might hear it. I needed to be strong to be able to keep us all alive.

A lot happened on our trek, Octavia was attacked in the river by what looked like a man eating snake , and once jasper crossed over the river he was speared by what we're calling grounders! Apparently when the last man on earth died on the ark he wasn't the last man.

" we're not alone " I trembled.

I was thinking about how they only attacked Jasper after he crossed to river, like it was some kind of boundary. As we were running back to camp to warn the others we heard Jasper scream, we guessed when they moved him so I knew he was alive and we were going to find him, but we needed a plan and we needed back up, NOW!!!

Patients my friends the romance between them didn't happen so fast and that's what made it incredible<3

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