Ascend: A Short Story about Racial Injustice.

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Ascend: A Short Story of Racial Injustice.

It was one beautiful June morning. I get up excitedly for a new day with no struggles or parameters along the way.
That's what I had realized beforehand.
With my flower jumpsuit, I went out to the store with my car in place. The sudden smell of flowers reminded me that nothing was going to slash between me and the day itself. It was a beautiful sight.
Oh, Atlanta. No matter what the city was like, it was a sight to see; then I saw a police officer nearby.
He looked sternly at me, not just because of my heart, but it's because of my skin. I was black. I could get killed. Would I?
The look of him was racism, and it was beyond words.
"Hello? Why are you staring at me so blankly?" I asked. "What did I do wrong?"
I hadn't done wrong, unless it was something that mattered.
Without words, he came and started to attack me like an insane animal headfirst, with my head on the road.
I screamed loud and clear. "I want my life back! I can't afford to die! Why attack me?! Let me go! Please," I cried in pain and agony as the head and front continue aggressively on the road, but he wouldn't listen. Yet, he continued, this time with a gun on the back of my head. 
I pleaded and struggled, but yet nothing.
Pressured blood gets near and out. I knew I wasn't going to survive like this. Hands on my back and the police man's feet continue to shed through my skin.
"I can't move! I can't escape, please help me!" Not a change or a turnaround. Still assault.
Shedding my last tear, I've finally succumbed to my death. Without justice, without peace. Nothing.
All of the memories that I had, all of the times that I felt secure about me, well-- gone.
The world turns black, and I've just seen it.
This is America today. Filled with hate and brutal moves against black people. Pathetic.
The flower never dies, so be it. Let the innocent black people who unfortunately died due to police brutality ascend to heaven.
Remember this:
Speak up, and say something. If you don't say something now, then it will just get worse. Speak up for what's right, and not for this fucking president we call Trump.
Think back to all of the innocent black people who have died: Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony Mcdade, Trayvon Martin, Sandra Bland, and others. They've had struggles just as EVERY human being.

#blacklivesmatter #justiceforgeorgefloyd

this was all taken from Google docs, as i wrote them in there.
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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2020 ⏰

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