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kairi stared blankly at his boyfriend in front of him who had a blunt placed in between his lips, taking a large inhale. he wasn't quite sure how mattia liked blunts, he was more of a bowl or bong type of person but everyone has their preference.

mattia gestured to the blunt as he took it out of his mouth, wanting kairi to hit it since he was still sober. since mattia had broken kairi's bong on their last session, he willing took the blunt from his hands as he didn't really have another option of smoking. kairi places the blunt between his lips inhaling as he watched the smoke swirl around the little lamp as mattia exhaled.

mattia had an amused look on his face as kairi practically killed the blunt, which was quite big when mattia handed it to him.

"i thought you didn't like blunts." mattia said taking his gaze off of kairi and placing it on the tray on the table, grabbing the pack of swishers beside it and pulling one out from the pack.

"oo, let me smell it." kairi said as he put his blunt, or well what was left of it out and on the table. mattia brought it to kairi's nose who scrunched his face up in disgust. "you always get grape." kairi said as mattia withdrew his hand and laughed before tearing it open and discarding its insides.

"oh my god." kairi said as he leaned back into the couch, "sushi."

"what?" mattia laughed out, keeping his focus on placing the bud in the wrap.

"we should get sushi, please matti.." kairi whined but laughed after, he was a light weight and was quite stoned with the munchies.

"kai, we get sushi every time." mattia said, kairi scoffing in response, "yeah so? i want sushi."

"okay, okay, just let me finish this and at least get close to how fried you are." mattia laughed, licking the edges of the wrap and pressing them together so that they would seal. mattia waited a couple minutes before grabbing a lighter and sparking the blunt in his hand, bringing it to his lips as he leaned back into the couch.

"why is goodnight one word and good morning is two?" kairi asked out of the random, looking at mattia whose eyes went wide as he blew out smoke.

"don't ask me that shit kai, i'll be thinking about it all night."  mattia said looking at his boyfriend who was deep in thought about his own question.

"good morning- too long of a word? no, because you don't say it with a space in between? fuck-" kairi breathed out, frustrated at his own thought.

"okay, let's go get sushi." mattia said taking one last puff of the blunt before putting it out and leaving it on the table. kairi spring up from the couch almost falling on mattia as he grabbed his phone off the table.

mattia laughed at kairi as he stood up grabbing his phone and making sure his wallet was in his pocket before guiding the small boy out of his room. the two boys exited the house, going to kairi's car and getting in.

"i can't listen and hear at the same time." kairi said looking at mattia, "so don't talk to me."

"you can't listen and hear at the same time?" mattia said laughing as kairi laughed realizing what he said.

"i meant i can't listen and see at the same time, i'm fried bro." kairi giggled as he started the car and began pulling out of mattia's drive way.


what is kairi and alvaro's ship name?bc i keep thinking kairo, but also who's top
there's nothing real special about this chapter, i was just hanging out with my friend and it sparked the idea because we did this all throughout junior year and are abt to be seniors 😐
but were also k and m, so we fit kairi and mattia lmao

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