Chapter 4 - Caroline

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Chapter 4 - Caroline's Point of View

I walk quickly down the empty corridor of the school. The end of the day bell has just rung, and I don’t want to in the same situation in which I was yesterday. I don’t see Michael or the other three he’s always hanging out with. I don’t understand why he’s always hanging out with them. The blonde one - Kylie - she’s so desperate for him. I mean, I understand why. He’s….well he’s an attractive - very - guy. That’s a little hard for me to say, considering the guy was my best friend for six years. I hoist my backpack higher up on my back, holding my books to my chest tightly.

As I push open the door to the school exit, I force the lump growing in my throat, back down. I’ve been feeling like I’m going to throw up ever since second period. Why? It’s not because I’m pregnant, so don’t even think that. Because I’m not and there’s no chance I could be whatsoever. The only thing I turn on is microwaves. No, but seriously, the only reason I’ve been feeling sick is because in the back of my mind I know that now that I’ve said I’ll be Michael’s tutor, we’re actually gonna be on speaking basis. And that scares the shit out of me.

I walk down the plethora of stairs, leading down to the Junior Lot. I locate my car and jam the key in the lock, twisting it and unlocking it. I get into my car and close the door, tossing my backpack into the passenger seat. I slide my seatbelt on, and start the car up. I look up in my rearview mirror, making sure I’m good to back out.

There are a few juniors still lingering in the lot. Either waiting for a ride, sitting on their cars conversating or inside their cars making out with their ‘lover’. Love is overrated. In my opinion, that is.

It’s just that I really need those extra hours; it’s that or either volunteer to do the citywide blood drive, plasma donation, and marathon. I mean, that’s the only reason I agreed to tutor Michael. I’m not physically coordinated to do that kinda stuff. The sight of blood scares me, I kinda think I need my plasma and I can’t run that well.

I pull out of the lot, driving onto the main street away from North Hampton and towards my home. Maybe either of my parents is home. That’d be amazing. See, Mr. Henry said we needed to figure out a schedule but still meet four times a week. Michael decided it’d be cool to have a tantrum at the front of the room, saying he doesn’t like being attained.

That being said, he didn’t wanna make a schedule, claiming that he’s so busy with football that he can’t have set days to come. He did, however, say that he’ll come four days a week much to Mr. Henry’s pleasure. But like I was saying, I’d like it if one of my parents is at home because Michael said he’s coming over today, giving me his reason of ‘…it’s Friday, let’s just get it over with.’ Rather loudly at the front of the class.

I’m not nervous about tutoring him, I mean, I’m great at History. It’s just Michael scares me. He hates me, for crying out loud. Actually though, he took it easy on me today. For the most part, that is. He intentionally bumped into me in the hallway this morning, making me drop a book, but that’s nothing compared to the norm.

Ten minutes later or so, I’m pulling into my empty driveway. Damn, I guess that means my parents aren’t here.  I turn my car off, opening the door and grabbing my backpack. I unclick the seatbelt and grab the keys, getting out. I close the door behind me and I hear the automatic click of the lock behind me.

The sound of two children playing catches my attention across the street. There’s a cute little family who lives there. A mom, a daddy and a daughter. And then next door to them is another family. There’s a mom, a dad, a son and a daughter on the way who live there. The girl’s name is Eliza, I think and the boy, Ben. Such regal names, I know. I like them though. Anyway, Ben is over at Eliza’s and they’re running around the yard playing tag. I remember when that was Michael and me. I hope their friendship lasts, unlike mine and Michael’s. Them, being Eliza and Ben.

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