Mika's Special Night

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Mika POV

Since Chapa and Bose aren't dating of what I did I get to swoop in and take him imma ask him to the movies and trick I'm to kiss me

Mika-"Hey bose wanna go to the movies as friends nothing special"

Bose-"Oh I would love to if it's just for friends"

Mika-"great" *evily smiles*

Capa POV

I can't believe he's falling for that she obviously want him back

Chapa-*pull him in the closet* "Reallyvose remember me hello your girlfriend"

Bose-"Yeah so I know you me girlfriend"

Chapa-"She obviously want to try and get back together with you"

Bose-"No she dosen't she said as a friend"

Chapa-"Ok butbyou better not kiss her or I won't give no more kisses"

Bose-"Ok Babe it's fine *kisses her lips*

They leaves the closet

*no longer chaps pov*

~~~~~~~skip school part now Back with bose and mika move night~~~~~~~~~

Mika POV

Mika-"Hey bosei-Bose

Bose-"Hey so watch are we gonna watch"


Bose-"Don't you think a littel too romantic"

Mika-"I know"

Chapa POV

I'm going to mika house and spy make sure they don't kiss I trust bose but I don't trust mika

Chapa goes up a tree and look in her window

So they just watching a movie ok good oh on the movie he better leave now

Back inside Mika's house

Mika POV

Ok here I go

Bose-"Well see you later"

Mika-"Wait bose can I tell you a secret"

Chapa-*whispers to her self* "No bose don't"

Bose-"Ok sure what"

Turns his head to her and mika tapped his shoulder and his head turned and they kiss on the lips no Chapa is furious at her she banged on the window she broke with her lighting volts


Bose-"Chapa calm down"

Bose went over and hugged her and kissed her she calm down and started crying in his chest say

Chapa-"I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that *crying harder*

Bose-"Its ok baby it's ok" * rubbing her back and stroking her hair*

They left Bose comfort chapa at her house while she still crying

Chapa-"Im so so sorry bosie I knew you wouldn't do that but when kissed I got mad"

Bose-"Its ok baby I should have knew that she wanted to back with me"

Bose-"I love you"

Chapa-"I love you too"

They kissed bose left

What word mika think that there dating is no longer a secret as they tried to keep a secret keep to see

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