The Friendship War Begins

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Chapter 5

Grogar: Looks like the war against the ponies and all the creatures will be starting soon since they're on their way here.

Lord Tirek: What do you want us three to do?

Cozy Glow: Should we stall them?

Grogar: Yes. You three go with my army of monsters and take care of our guests. However, Darkness is mine to finish off.

Lord Tirek: Of course your majesty.
Lord Tirek, Cozy Glow and the Pony of shadows led Grogar's army of monsters and headed into the battlefield. Everypony and the other creatures all were flying and running towards the last three of Grogar's allies when they all clashed.
Darkness went ahead as he was desperate to rescue Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon. None of Grogar's allies and monsters chased after him. Twilight tried to follow him but she stopped by Lord Tirek and Cozy Glow.

Princess Twilight: Hey! Get out of my way!

Lord Tirek: Ha no can do but I will gladly steal your magic from you!
Tirek was going to steal her magic but he was stopped by Prince Darkness who completely used his own magic that turned from dark to light.

Prince Darkness: My.... my magic.... it became.... light?!

LittlePip: Darkness! Get going! Head for Grogar! We'll handle Tirek!

Blackjack: Now get going! Everypony will be holding them off!

FoE Prism Blitz: Let's go, Everypony!

FoE Oreo: Right!

FoE: Lora: Roger!

Black Void: Get you flank moving Darkness!

Darkvine Raven flew down beside Prince Darkness.

Darkvine Raven: Allow me to help lending you a part of my magic.
Dark Zlar also landed next to Darkness.

Dark Zlar: I maybe the first Fallen Pegasus but I will be lending you a hoof with this against Grogar.

Darkness: I appreciate your assistance but I don't think I need any help. I know what I must do into saving this world. You two have to stay with the others into stopping those three.

Dark Zlar: Understood. C'mon Darkvine, he's absolutely right.

Dark Zlar & Darkvine Raven headed back to the other's into helping.
As the war continues, the Pillars, the Mane 6 and the new 6 were keeping the battle going for as long as they could.

Though, HeSham did not agree with Darkness' choice to go alone to face Grogar. But, he figured out that Darkness has a long awaited plan for himself.

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