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"now, do you think i would tell that to a stranger?" i said in a smart ass tone. he smirked and chuckled deeply.
"well, i won't be a stranger for very long." he stuck out his hand. "i'm harry. also known as, 'the smoke ring king' or for short, 'ring king.' that's what everyone calls me around here." harry explained.
"alright mr. ring king. top this." i barked and pulled out an electronic cigarette. i put it between my lips, and exhaled it through my rounded mouth, creating rings. i then inhaled the rings through my nose and smiled at him.
"hm, let's see." harry said taking the e-cig from my hand gently. he then took a whiff of it, and out from his mouth came a big thick smoke, it slowly rose up into his nostrils.
"french inhale." he whispered.
"you breathe in the smoke, then let it slowly come out of your mouth. you shift your lips to the side, and then inhale the smoke again through your nose. it's simple." he showed me.
"let me try." i demanded and took my e-cig back. i did exactly as told, and i correctly french inhaled for the first time. "easy peezy."
"not bad for a first timer. whats your name, love?" he asked.
"luna. luna marie black." i told him, and wondered, why did i tell him this?
"well, luna marie, why were you crying?" he questioned.
"i really don't know, if i will be honest with you." i said shoving my e-cig back into my purse.
"there's always a story behind each tear." he said looking into my eyes. "your eyes are the prettiest shade of blue, it's not like a light blue, it's a royal blue. i've never seen anything like it. and your hair is a dark brown too. it's wavy and unique. you're very unique." he said smiling as i tried to hide my blushing face. i noticed harry had very deep dimples on each cheek. i examined his face, which reeked of curiosity.
"i need to go to my apartment." i explained before licking my chapped lips.
"leaving so soon darling?" he asked slyly.
"i wouldn't say leaving, just going to bed. it's only-" i checked my phone. "around 11:00, but i need to shower." i said before standing up and walking to the second floor. i turned around in middle of walking, only to see that harry was gone.

sorry for the cliffhanger xD i just had to.

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