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Ina's pov

3 months later

Sooo after Jaemin visited me in school Hyunjin is acting weird. He doesn't speak to me a lot but he spends more time with us. He still goes to Lia a lot but I think things are getting better and I am very happy for Jeongin. I don't know what else to do to help though or what to do to get closer with Hyunjin. I think it's time to move on and forget about him. He is a good friend so just friends isn't a bad idea. I haven't talked about this with Jeongin but I think that's what I am going to do.

All of us decided to go get something to eat after school. And by us I mean me,Jeongin,Seungmin,Felix,Jisung,Hyunjin,Changbin,Minho and Chan. Like we became so close they are really matching with us. Hyunjin is still bitter with Minho but he is getting along with the others. Hyunjin invited Lia too without telling us but at least we know her so it was okay. We talked a lot and made jokes. Hyunjin was trying to talk a lot with Lia and Jeongin seemed upset again and everyone was trying to cheer him up.

A couple of hours later Lia said that she had to return home. "I'll come with you. I have to go feed my cats"Minho said and stood up. "I miss them a lot I have years to see them" Lia said and stood up too. "Wait I'll come with you. You don't have to be alone the two of you"Hyunjin said stood up too. "I think they can go alone Hyunjin you don't have to go with them" I tried to save them from this difficult situation "Ina stay out of it. It's none of your business" he snapped back rudely and I was shocked and I lowered my head and looked at my hands. "Fuck Hyunjin that was so rude. She is right they can go alone. Go Minho and Lia" Chan said and Minho and Lia said goodbye and left. Hyunjin sit down again angry and I felt him looking at me.

Hyunjin's pov

Why does she have to interrupt me? I was going to be with Lia and don't let her alone with this idiot. But I was rude right? I mean she probably wanted to keep me here with the boys and Jeongin.I talked to her finally after months and this is what I had to say to her?? I don't even know the reason that I didn't talk to her. That Jaemin guy. Why am I even mad at him? I don't know him. Fuck I feel bad now I shouldn't have talked like that to her. She looks sad. Why everytime I am here she is sad? "I am going to go home too. I am kinda late my mum will be angry if I don't return on time." Ina said "Do you want me to come with you?" Jeongin asked her "No no I am okay all of you have fun. You will finally be only boys" she laughed but she sounded sad. It's my fault right? "Byee all of you" she smiled and left.

Ina's pov

"Bye all of you" I smiled and left. I went outside and I left out a big sigh. Why is he so rude? He behaves like a 5 year old boy. I hate him. I have to forget him. I don't want to be with a guy like him. "INAAAA" someone yelled my name and turned to see the one only Hwang fucking Hyunjin running. I stopped "What happened" I asked him and he stopped in front of me taking deep breaths. "Why were you run-"he hugged me before I finished talking. "I am so sorry for what I said back there. I didn't want to be rude. I am sorry you have any right to hate me."he said and he broke the hug and I was in panicked mode. "Say something please I don't want you to be sad or hate me please" he made puppy eyes and my heart couldn't hundle this and I laughed at him and he was in so much confusion. "You are too cute to hate you omg. Okay okay I forgive you." I said and he hugged me again and it felt so good and sad because I know it's a friendly hug.

Hyunjin's pov

She is so cute omg and this hug feels so good. WHAT AM I THINKING WTF I DON'T GET MY BRAIN AT ALL. At least she is happier now. "The perfume you gave me is ending because I put it everyday. Where did you buy it? I asked her out of the blue I surprised myself too.

Ina's pov

He liked the perfume that much wtf????? "I will show you the shop let's go" I said to him and we walked for a while.


I hope this piece of shit apologized to you. Don't forget this Saturday is my birthday. Of course you will come I don't accept no and don't you dare to buy me a gift.

Yes of course I will come stupid boy and YESSS SURE I AM NOT GOING TO BUY YOU A GIFT BE SURE ABOUT THAT :)

I will kill you :)

I love you too <3

I saw Hyunjin the messages and he laughed and then we disgusted about what gifts we are going to give him. He went with me home and said our goodbyes. How am I supposed to move on now? :(

Iknow it because I'm a fool
I can't live without you

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