My Poetry

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Hey, if you know I'm usually not one for poetry. Or writing it at least. If you didn't well now you know. I am usually not one for poetry because it involves writing down your feelings. Well, I decided to try something new. Anyways, this is dedicated to two people, theonlyhi and icklebickle, for unintentionally giving me this idea. So enjoy.

This is all so new,

Just struck me out of the blue.

You all are making me confused,

And I feel a little abused.

I feel like I am the rope in a tug-of-war game,

Both of you too caught up to see my pain.

What am I to do

When I don't know who to turn to?

You both always seem to be fighting,

And that's why I'm writing.

I feel torn

And very, very worn.

I don't know where I stand,

When I witness the fighting firsthand.

I say 'I'm tired' and you believe it,

I just feel ready to quit.

I want to sleep

To forget about feeling cheap.

To escape I sing

To forget about the sting

I may be over-thinking it but it's true

This is why I am so blue

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2012 ⏰

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