Chapter 4

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* Leah's POV *

As soon as I opened the door she was in my arms. I thought I was dreaming, 'dream or not this is heaven' I inhale her delicious scent as her head is on my shoulder. the feeling of her against me has me instantly aroused, and her arms around my neck is the best feeling in the world. I feel her tense up and that's like an ice bath, my arousal immediately gone, replaced with only loving care. I sigh contently into her hair and wrap my arms around her soft waist. I feel her relax instantly and almost fall into my arms. I held her for what seemed like forever. I felt her cool breath rush over my neck as she breathed and I shivered in pleasure. all hot and bothered again I start to pull away, otherwise I would do more then hug her.

I head her sigh softly and smiled to myself 'she must feel something, when do I tell her? how, do I tell her?' before she lifts her head that's snuggled into my neck I feel her inhale against my neck. I pull her chin up with a smile. "What was that?" I say with a smirk, already aware she was smelling my scent, that would be as irresistible to her as her scent is to me. I saw her face instantly heated up and she said

"I.. well..I was um..smelling you? heh sorry it's just you smell really good, like chocolate and mint"

she's still red as a beet and my wolf was whining for me to taste her intoxicating scent. I laughed at her shy smile and kissed her forehead

"that's alright rach, you smell amazing too, like lilacs and honey"

'Wait slow down..dont kiss her she'll freak..relax'I take a deep breath and inhale, smiling to show my point. She looked shocked from my kiss but shook it away and her answering smile is breath taking and I can't help but stare. 'Thank god she didn't freak' I take a deep breath to pull me out of the trance she puts me in so easily. I hold out my hand to her and she takes mine instantly with a shy smile. I do little bow and lower my head at her looking at her gorgeous eyes I say

"well m'lady, can I give you the grand tour?"

'where did that come from?' but I knew it was my wolf knowing how to please my mate, so I rolled with it. she giggled and nodded her head enthusiastically at me before a troubled look came over her face.

I took her chin in my other hand and raised it so she'd look at me, my heart ached at the sight of her unhappy.

"rach, what's the matter?"

she looked at me

" I just...I'm".....

'Uh oh..the freak I was waiting for....' I thought

"what is it?"

I ask in a soft tone. she shakes her head then puts on a small fake smile

"I was just wondering why the guard bowed his head at me?"

my smile was equally as forced but she didn't notice

"um I'll tell you later ok? let me show you around"

I kiss her hand that's in mine and her small smile is replaced with a grin. 'I didn't mean to go that fast but, I couldn't help it. I wonder what she was going to say?' I shook it off and started to show her around the pack house.

* Rachel's POV *

I don't know what came over me, but her scent was maddening, it was incredible and I just felt so safe in her arms. I fell against her and was surprised by the wave of desire that crashed thought me. it was so foreign, I can't remembering ever feeling this way about anyone. I started going out with Luke last year, not because I liked him but, I felt empty? almost like I had a hollow spot in my chest, I thought maybe he could fill it. we'd kissed but I wouldn't let it go farther than that, which frustrated him immensely. Call me old fashioned but I think making love should be just that, and I didn't even LIKE Luke that way. I was going to do it though, maybe in the winter, but now, I don't know. the hollowness I felt before, evaporated the moment I laid eyes on Leah. Girl or not, she was who I wanted, who I needed. 'wait! you don't even know if she likes you! don't do anything stupid!'

She's the one....wait, SHE!? GxGWhere stories live. Discover now