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    What would you do if you saw a time bomb, underneath a table near your favorite mall?



Pass out?

Well unfortunately, my daring self went to diffuse the bomb. Not knowing that just a little education in these sort of things made me no expert, just a newbie.

Thank goodness I had learnt how to do this a while back, my uncle was a bomb specialist.

"Two minutes, I think I can make it" I whispered to myself, with the little knowledge I had about bombs; these model I had in my palms could blow up an entire line of malls.

It was harmful, well obviously; it was a freaking bomb. But it wasn't harmful enough to blow up the entire mall, thankfully.

Opening the screws with my hair pin which I used to perfect a messy bun, with my puffy dark brown hair; I observed the wires.

"Psh, easy" I bragged, sticking my thumb out as I began getting to work. Making sure to cover up the bomb in case someone saw it and freaked out, kind of what a normal person would have done.

Unlike yours truly.

"One minute..." I trailed off, timing myself as I contemplated on the wires to dabble with. Any wrong move and I'd be meeting my late one eyed kitten; Mr. Midnight, in the afterlife.

He died about a week ago, I cried for days. But that was story for another day, if, well I didn't die today.

"Bingo!" I laughed as the ticking stopped, making it worthless. I couldn't help but shake my hips at my triumph as I got up.

But then, an explosion put me back on my knees.

It wasn't the one I had diffused, no, or I'd be in pieces. It was another one. The impact caused me to slam my body against the marble wall of a flower shop, falling on my knees then face flat.

Well, damn.

Groaning, I waited for my eyes to adjust due to all the smoke and concrete. All I could muster up were people on the floor, probably dead. My hearing echoing that dreaded shree sound, as well as the screams of people in the mall.

Then when my hearing recovered from the piercing screams, I heard footsteps, like those kind of footsteps that you can just tell that the person was a suit kinda guy or girl; after a few seconds, they stopped.

The people alive had flees from the shop, so the screams had stopped.

"Leave no stone untouched!" A loud voice boomed as the rest retorted in approval, their footsteps getting silent.

"No victim must remain, take what we came here for!" The loud gruff voice that talked before, commanded once more.

I was alive, so...I was a victim?


Play dead, play dead! I counseled myself, instantly regretting turning down the acting club. Trying to control my breathing became even harder when I heard the footsteps come closer to me.

"Mhm." The voice hummed, using his feet to then my tummy over. My back now touching the floor and my face facing him, of course I wasn't dumb enough to open my eyes. Maybe I was breathing too loudly? Crap! If I moved, they'd surely put a bullet through my skull!

"We got it boss, yes. There are no victims." He chuckled proudly, just as I was about to snort at him; the dust evaded my nostrils.


Just at that thought, I sneezed. And may I have you know, I never really was the silent sneezer.

I was the type of sneezer that could be mistaken for a scream. Yeah, fuck right?

Their heads turned. My eyes snapped open, their forehead creased as I stood up and sprinted from there. Not looking back, I could tell that they were after me, some bullets hit the windows as I dodged and turned at every corner. Jumping over broken chairs, it was some temple run shit going on right here.

I never thought I'd ever run this fast in my life, pulling down trashcans as I threw people's popcorns at them as the waitresses alive locked their doors. Some took off their aprons only to be shot down as I screamed, sprinting into the movie theatre.

No bitch was gonna catch me today, nope, not today.

After a few seconds, they came barging in, spraying the poor theatre with bullets as people screamed and ran for their lives. I ducked down the seats, moving through a flood of floor popcorns, trying to find my way out of this place in the dark.

"The girl! The one that diffused the bomb! Boss wants her! Leave the others, kill them all. Bring the girl alive."

Unless another person just happened to diffuse a bomb today, my best guess would be that they were looking for me, at least now I knew that they wanted me alive.

Dang it! They were watching me?

Too bad they weren't going to get me.

If I wasn't hiding from danger, I would have been wondering who this boss of a person was and why he wanted a girl that diffused his little pathetic bomb.

I peeked through the holes in the chairs, luckily they were out of sight so I quietly got up, only to be knocked back down with a gun to my neck.

"Found you." A gruff voice grunted as I gasped in pain, the theatre was now empty, curtsy to the assholes who were killing anyone except from me, my legs Shook as the man drew me up by my collar.

When he was distracted, looking at me with such intensity, I kneed him in the crotch, making him drop me with a groan, I took the gun out of his hands and shot him in the knee, which was a terrible idea, because the attention of the other men turned to me when he screamed out in agony.

"She shot Tony! Get her!" My eyes widened as I made a run for it, taking my phone out of my pocket as I dialed my dad's, running into the empty market with the handgun and my phone to my ear, I hid.

Pick up, pick up, pick up!

"The number you-" Before the prerecorded audio ended, I swore, the cops had already been called and from the looks of it, I was a criminal as well, blood was dripping down neck as I wiped it off, hiding at the sting.

I had to get out of here, I just had to. I made my way to a car, wasting a bullet on the windshield and then unlocked it, getting in.

I never really pegged my self as a fighter, but would you look at that.

"I see this in movies, it should be easy." I murmur to myself, finding the two wires as I try to JumpStart the car.

Well, that's one thing off my bucket list.

"Shit!" I hissed once I heard the ever so loud gunshots, which went through the open window and broke the other glass. Great, talk about protection.

The car finally started.

I didn't even sit up, too scared that they'd want to avenge Tony and spill my brain over the seat with one shot to the head. So I just stepped on it, practically blinding drive.

Once I had counted down from five, I looked up, quickly swerving my hands as I dodged the tree I had been moving towards.

Talk about a close call.

"I made it!" I squealed, stepping harder on the gas pedal, the amount of adrenaline that pumped through my veins was unreal, I felt like I was so high up the the clouds!

Kind of similar to when I had hit the blunt.

Staring at the mirror, I bit my lips, stopping myself from giggling, I had lost them.


Renee Blackwood had survived a terrorist attack, if that's what I could even call it, all by my own! Heck, I even shot a dude in the leg! I was really on cloud nine!

Then it dawned on me.

I dropped my phone at the crime scene.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2020 ⏰

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