Chapter 11

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Beauty & the Beast
Chapter 11

Everyone was cuddled up together in front of the fireplace while Stiles sat in a chair wrapped up in a blanket drinking hot chocolate.

" Are you warm? " Isaac asked looking at Stiles, he nodded smiling " Yes thank you " he said took a sip from the delicious beverage.

Derek sat in his destroyed room looking through the magic mirror staring at his pack laughing and having fun with Stiles. " So what do you think of Derek? " Scotty asked and Derek almost smiled...almost, Scotty was and still is always worried about Derek no matter how he treats all of them.

Derek felt a small pang in his chest, he sometimes regretted the way he treated his pack because they could have left him but they didnt, they have stayed with him.

Derek watched as Stiles ran around the room with everyone chasing him, Lydia watched from next to the fireplace as they played together.

Stiles was tackled to the floor, while everyone tried to lick his face, he laughed delighted. They all got off him except for Isaac who stayed curled up on his chest. " Isaac? " Stiles said and he looked up at him " Sorry you're just so warm " he said before hopping off of him, going straight for Scott.

" Its okay " Stiles said getting up going to sit back in the chair, he saw Lydia standing next to the fireplace. " Lydia would you like to sit here? " Stiles asked gesturing towards the seat, she quickly shook her head " That's Derek chair i cant, i'll just sit on the floor " she said quietly.

" Nonsense im letting you sit here, i can sit on the floor it doesnt matter, now sit " he said making Lydia sigh in defeat and walk over to the chair sitting down. " See, was that so hard? " he asked plopping down on the floor inbetween Ethan and Aiden.

Lydia shook her head smiling at him. " Stiles? " Erica asked after a while of silence " Yes? " he asked looking at her while petting both Ethan and Aidens heads making them purr happily.

" Do you miss your dad? " she asked and Stiles felt a sharp pain in his heart.

Of course he missed his father, he wanted to make sure he was okay, he wanted to hug him and never let him go. He felt tears prick his eyes before blinking rapidly " Yes i do " he said sadly.

" If Derek let you go see him, would you? " Stiles nodded a single tear falling out of his eye falling Aidens head. " Please dont cry! " Erica said rushing over to him and licking his face. Scott, Isaac, Boyd, and Allison followed behind him pilling up on Stiles nuzzling against him trying to make the sadness that washed into the room go away.

" Im sure Derek will let you, just give him some time " Boyd said and licked his face once before settling back in his spot with Erica curling up beside him. Allison nuzzled her head in his next one more time before resting by Lydia's feet. Scott and Isaac stayed with him cuddled up together in front of him with their heads on his lap.

Derek sighed putting the mirror down and looking down at his claws. Memories of what happened that day came back to him. He growled before storming out of his room and down the hall jumping over the railing creating a loud thud and bursting through the castle doors, crossing the gates into the forest to run.


Stiles walked around the castle bored looking around. He came to a door that said ' West Wing ' he looked around making sure no one was in eye sight before he carefully opened the door and came to a long hallway with lots of doors. Curiosity got the best of him and he walked along the hallway looking at all the closed doors, some had names like Peter, Cora, Malia.

Stiles came apon a door that said Derek. At first he thought about turning around to leave but then he saw a glowing light coming from under the door. He stared at it for a second before opening the door causing it to squeak a bit.

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