Chapter 9

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Denki’s POV

“Hey guys!”

    Mina had burst into the classroom, shocking everyone already there, and with her were all of the girls of class 1-A. They seemed to be giggling about something, but would pause to look at us, specifically me and someone else. They all eventually took their seats, and Mr. Aizawa stood up from behind his desk. 

    “Good morning class. Today we are discussing a trip we will be taking soon. I understand that the projects are meant to be due next monday, but with this, the deadline will be moved. Which, knowing some of you..” His eyes shifted to Sero and Denki “..should come as a relief.”. The two both internally sighed a breath of relief, knowing that neither had anything really done on the project. 

    “We have been informed by Principal Nezu that you as students, have not been getting out into society enough. With this, many of you lack the social skills needed to be a pro. For some pro-heroes, appearance is one of the most important factors in providing the community peace, like the former All Might. So, we have decided to allow you to pick an event to attend in order to familiarize you with the public and how to interact appropriately with them.” Aizawa said, rubbing his temples tiredly. 

    “Also, before you guys raise your hands with every mediocre idea you have, I have brought someone else in to take care of this. So, be nice, and I’ll be over here, taking a nap.” He said, going back to his desk and disappearing under it. We all waited for a couple moments for something to happen, until the door slammed open once again, and there was Present Mic.

    “Hello listeners! I am here so your teacher can have a little break, so let's get this ball rolling!” He said, with the enthusiasm that only he could have. 

    “Here I can start us off. How about attending Haru-no-Taisai? That would be a way for us to properly experience culture while still seeing and interacting with the people.” Iida said. I couldn’t help but smile and nod at his idea, not because I had any idea what he was talking about, but because hearing him talk makes me happy. 

    “Ah yes! The Grand Spring Festival! Classical Japanese art and performances, how classy! Thank you, Iida!”

    Kirishima raised his hand next.

    “How about the Ryogoku Nigiwai Festival? It’s a festival for Ryogoku and has a bunch of sumo stuff! That’s like, the manliest thing ever!” He turned to Bakugou after saying that and got a quick high five from him, something only given to Kirishima. Mic scribbled it on the board. Ideas then began to come from everyone until eventually everyone was shouting over each other.

    “Nikufes! We love a good meat-eating competition.”

    “The Odaiba Hawaii Festival! All those girls in those hula skirts~”

I decide I might as well give some input, since there was one of my favorite events coming up soon.

    “The Akabane Baka Festival!” I said, and he wrote it on the board. People started getting louder, and things started getting super rowdy. I could see Present Mic at the front of the room, obviously a bit overwhelmed by having so many of the 1-A kids in one class together. He could deal with one or two, but the entirety of the class was something that only one man could handle. And within thirty seconds, the class was quiet and in their seats. Aizawa had stood up and was glaring at the class. His scarf had unfurled up, and his normal greasy hair became a fearsome mane. When we all were finally in our seats, he blinked and walked up to Mic. 

    “Are you okay? I know they get pretty loud..” Aizawa said, but Mic shook his head. 

    “Don’t worry about me! I am Present Mic, a couple students never scared me.”

And with that, Aizawa shot us all one last glare, and sank back down behind his desk. 

    “Okay! Here are your options!” Mic said, gesturing to the board. On the list, there were 3 things:

        - Haru-no-Taisai

        - Ryogoku Nigiwai

        - Akabane Baka

    “Let’s do a vote. Anyone who would like to vote for-” He began to say, but was interrupted.


Everyone turned to see who said it, and it had come from the most bubbly pink alien girl we knew.

    “Sorry, it’s just that Ochako had something to say, and she is a bit quieter then most.”

    “Well then, Uraraka, what’s your idea?”

She shifted nervously in her seat, She had definitely not been expecting to actually be heard. 

    “W-well.. There’s the um.. Tokyo Pride Parade?”

Present Mic seemed to stop and think it over. A pride parade? I mean, I wouldn’t mind, as I think I might be gay, so maybe I’d be able to figure it out better. It might lead to more controversy around UA though. He turned to Mr. Aizawa and gestured for him to come closer. After he finally made his way over there, the two talked in hushed voices until they seemed to come to a consensus. 

    “We will be writing it as an option to vote on.” Aizawa said blankly. 

    “But wait, what if we don’t support the gays?” Mineta squeaked out from the back.

    “Then this isn’t the career for you. Being a hero means not judging anyone for who they are. Our job is only to protect the public, and being ignorant is just a way of saying we allow this kind of discrimination, which in turn becomes violence. So either learn to accept it, or find a different career.


    We all sat in shock. We knew that he could be serious, but his voice was cold, piercing all of us. With that statement, he sat back down. Looking back to Present Mic, he seemed almost as surprised as we were. 

    “WELL Let’s move on! Votes, let’s start with the first one. Haru-no-Taisai?

Tokoyami, Todoroki, Aoyama, Koji, and then someone else (who I can only assume to be Iida).

    “Ryogoku Nigiwai?”

Oijiro, Kirishima, Sero, Bakugou, and Izuku voted. Great, no one’s going to vote for mine. I’m just going to look dumb again. 

    “Akabane Baka?”

I raised my hand, and felt the stares of my classmates bore through my soul. It hurt.. I knew I should’ve just kept to myself. 

    “Okay, two votes for that.”

Wait, two? Who else..? I turned to look and met eyes with Iida. He smiled and gave me a thumbs up. Did he vote with me? But why didn’t he vote for his own idea? I felt warm and fuzzy inside, knowing that Iida smiled at me. That he cared about me. I couldn’t think about that now though, because voting was almost done.

“And lastly, the Tokyo Pride Parade?”

All of the girls raised their hands. Every last one of them. Why would they all want to do that? Maybe they just want to support Uraraka. That’s awful sweet, at least, that is what I thought, until I locked eyes with Mina. She winked at me, and turned back to the front. She did this on purpose. Oh my gosh is this the plan she mentioned? 

“Well, with 6 votes, the Pride Parade has been selected. I know I personally can’t wait to come with you lovely listeners to go support the public! I know I will definitely be dressing up for the event. We will be going on Friday, so prepare to go on a class trip during the day in a couple days.” Mic said, enthusiastically gesturing. And with that, the bell rang, and I was left to chase down Mina. 


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