Chapter 25

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When I opened my eyes, the lights blinded me and I instantly felt cold, as if I was only wearing a thin layer of clothing. I looked down and realized that I was wearing a hospital gown, which I guessed correctly, was very thin material.

"C-cold." Someone rushed over and placed a warm blanket over me, making me sigh in content. I got underneath the blanket and closed my eyes, listening to what the doctors had to say.

"She has a few stitches on the side of her ear, as well as a slight concussion. I'm afraid she'll have to stay here for a few nights until she can go home."

"What about her career? Will she have to be put out of action?"

"As of right now, we can't afford for her to have another head injury. This is already her second one and another would affect her memory, even worse, lose it and not even know that she's a professional wrestler."

The doctors words stung. One more head injury and I could forget everything, everyone? All my fans, gone. All the hard work I put into my job, gone. My family, gone. My Divas championship, gone. Seth and Roman, gone. Dean, gone. Dean.

I shot up and all eyes were on me, "where is he?" The doctor looked confused and tilted his head, but before he opened his mouth I cut him off, "Dean. Where the hell is he?"

Roman sat on the edge of the bed, stroking my hair, "Kelsey, he's fine. He got roughed up pretty bad after you -"

"That doesn't answer my question. I need to see him. Where is he?"

Everyone stayed silent and I shoved Roman off the bed and climbed off, rushing towards the door.

"Kelsey get back here!"

"Where are you going?!"

I walked down the corridors of the hospital until I reached the lobby. I walked up to the front desk, shoving a few people out of the way as well, earning glares from them.

"Can you please tell me where Dean might be?"

The lady looked me up and down, "I'm sorry, I'm going to have to tell you to calm down and please take a seat."

I clenched my fists. I was not in the mood to be patient right now. "Listen lady, I need to know where Jon Moxley is right now," I took a deep breath and closed my eyes before letting a shaky breath out, "look, he was severely injured and I need to check up on him. Our children have no idea what's going on with him and please, can I just have five minutes to see him?" I pinched myself to make my eyes water. The lady's face softened and she handed me a card.

"I'm so sorry. Room 4C. Go down the hallway and take a left."

I took the card from her and whispered a soft "thank you" before following her directions to Deans room.

I could hear Roman and Seth's voices behind me as I quickly, but quietly, made my way into room 4C. I shut the door behind me, looking at the state that Dean was in right now. He didn't look like the Lunatic Fringe that I knew, in fact, he didn't look like Dean at all. He had small cuts on his head, near his left eye, even a few on his arms. There were huge, purple bruises running alongside with the cuts on his torso and as well as his arms. He looked terrible.

"Kelsey. What are you doing here?" I watched as Dean cocked his head to the side and slowly sat up, but groaned in pain and slid down so he was laying back down.

I grabbed the chair near the door and dragged it to the side of the bed, "I wanted to check up on you. How are you feeling?" I brought my hand up to Deans hair, softly brushing it out of the way and examined the cut above his left eye that was stitched up.

"I'm fine. You're the one that got stitches and a concussion, don't worry about me. I'm just glad you're okay."

I smiled, "thanks Dean. I'm sorry this happened."

Dean grabbed my hand and put it to his side, "don't worry about it. Just stay here with me right now."

"Of course."

I slid in next to Dean and cuddled against him as he wrapped his arm securely around my waist. My head was rested on his bruised chest and I could hear his heart beating fast, like he was nervous or scared.

I looked up and found Dean looking to the side of the room, out the window. "Dean, what's bothering you?"

Dean hesitated for a moment, "I'm not scared of anything Kelsey. I've lived a rough life; having no parents around, being homeless most of my life, no serious relationship, nothing. I've always looked at myself as someone who never cared and that I would never find someone to keep me happy, even if it is friends. I'm lucky to have Roman and Seth, they've always had my back. Seth, he makes mistakes, but he's my brother. I love them both to death. What I'm saying is, I'm not scared of a lot of things because I'm used to having the important things taken away from me. But what I am scared of," he turned away from the window and stared directly at me, "I'm scared to lose you, Kelsey. When I first laid eyes on you, it was my mission, whether it was the last thing I do or not, to make you mine. Promise me one thing. One thing and I'll be content." I nodded slowly, wanting him to continue. "Promise me that you'll never leave me. If we fight, we work it out. I just can't stand to have a life without you."

Smiling, I took Deans hand and laced his fingers with mine. Placing a kiss on his forehead, I whispered the words that he wanted to hear, "I promise Dean."


The ending was just too much, I can't.



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