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We both came to terms,
I'm yours, you're mine,
It's shallow as that,
You read blank sign

There is love I see,
Hidden in the darkness,
One side is lit up,
The other is shadowy.

I hold on to it,
Hope so immense,
And now it turned to trust,
It shall ignite both our strings.

Suddenly cold i felt,
Shiver run through me,
Knees wobble,
And feet freezing in time.

Then I checked our fire,
To find yours died down,
Only mine keeping the warmth,
Only mine blazing proud.

I lit your's up with my own,
I give you all my fire,
Soon you're fiery a light,
Blazing in Orange and red.

With joy my heart swell,
I hold you once again,
But it seems to hurt,
It deem to burn me.

Engulfed me in your arms,
The flames I craved for long,
Now turned me to ember,
Render me to ashes.

I should have know all along,
How cold you've been
The fire ignited,
Where the heat for me isn't.

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