Meet_______ Fanfictions

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These are probably the most that are made. A some of the stories in some of these books are a bit ordinary but, they still really entertained me. It's your own opinion though. Here you go:
-People meet The Demigods by zozobear
- Mortals Meet Demigods by LeslieeeCx
- Meeting The Odd Squad by I_Never_Knew
- Teachers Meeting and Finding Out About Demigods by thalicoandpercabeth
- Meeting the Demigods by WiseGirl119
- People Meet Percabeth by Fangirl-ingForMe
- No Mist Anymore by caitlin200
I think I'll stop here because I searched them up and what I've found will up around eight pages. So, just go to discover and type in meet demigods or meet ____ (who ever the specific demigod you want them to meet) and you'll get a bunch of books! There are a lot more great ones too!
- K
Remember that if you are an author of one of these books I'd gladly add yours if you just comment saying the title!

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