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Sheshe first arrived at the meeting place, at the LBC TV station. They will be meeting on the 9th floor as agreed, upon arriving at Sheshe, Yeon and her manager are warmly welcomed by the LGM team and they are welcome to sit down

"How are you, Sheshe, ooo.. you've been accompanied by an idol ... how was the trip?" Welcoming hello from one of the LGM teams who are none other than the LGM leaders

"I'm good sir, this is my sister and my manager" while introducing "btw so sorry if you and the team have been long to waiting for us ooh and yes my little sister wants to accompany me at this historical moment" Sheshe said with a smile as she bowed her head in apology

"Oooh no, in fact you were a 30 minute early, and we really appreciate it" said PD nim

"It is good if we wish that we will start the meeting and will begin to explain what this SOP is like" said the director of LGM "yes please sir" said Sheshe with trembling

Sheshe is pleased to invite the LGM team to present important things that need to be known. One of the opening is Sheshe must write about herself, his dream in a marriage from the type of couple to the motivation to get married and what kind of marriage expectations.
It is needed so that the actors who live it are comfortable and not burdened because it is in accordance with what they dreamed and wanted.
Sheshe began by writing down some things in the paper that had been prepared

Sheshe List

1. namja (manly) character
2. has a thick eyebrow shape
3. love / love animals, especially cats
4. athletic, tall and self-defense
5. always romantic and can treat her 
     as women
6. can sing and play a musical  
7. Can cook
8. Able to lead
9. Understanding, good, polite and
     not bad-tempered
10. Swedishness "
11. Talk active
12. Can be a friend

For list number 8 Sheshe is hight light because he hasn't experienced so he needs a man who can lead her so that Sheshe is helped in her role as a wife.
As for the wish list for married Sheshe wrote some favorite films that she likes romantic genre such as Titanic, About the Time, Note Book and Love Lucy to be LGM references.

After getting the list that Sheshe wrote the team started presenting LGM, followed by questions from Sheshe for a number of terms, all of which were completed in just 60 minutes.
Because there were no questions that needed lengthy answers and all had been agreed upon, Sheshe also signed an LGM contract for Session 8 that would start shooting in March during the summer.

Not long after Sheshe finished and left the LBC TV building, exactly one hour later Zee was accompanied by the manager up to the 9th floor of LBC TV to discuss contracts and several lists for Zee's team to pay attention to for this relity shows program.

The LGM team deliberately did not bring Sheshe together because they have different missions than other couples. This time the couple will be met on the first date one by one and they will be reunited with other couples and may choose their own partner. Actually part of choosing a partner that makes Sheshe and Zee uncomfortable because of worrying disappointment

"welcome Zee, have a sheet" Say hello from the PD nim to Zee and his manager as well, they shake hands with each other and Zee sits in the same spacious office as his room with large glass and there are a number of small windows that can be opened so that the air in the office looks fresher compared to air-conditioned rooms, because the air at that time  very refreshing.

"Oooh, thanks for u'r warm welcoming, thanks for having us" Zee expressed his pleasure in meeting with the LGM project leader and team.

"Zee we need to know your list about the ideal type of girl and the dream about being married" just like what was stated to Sheshe as an opening before the LGM presentation began which will be followed by questions from Zee.

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