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I went inside the cafe, taking in the calming coffee scent and spotting the younger boy that I have been stalking this past weeks.

I went to take a seat beside him on the stool.

"Hi." I speak and he look at me with flustered face.

"Oh, hi Jimin hyung." He said and keep his gaze on the counter table.

Well, we both have speak this past weeks, exchanging few hi's and a light conversation.

"Did you always come here on the weekend too?" I ask and he finally look at me before speaking.

"Yes, I just recently like this cafe because it was so calming here and cozy." He smile softly as his eyes roam around the cafe while my eyes fixated on his face.

"I know right. This is why I like coming here." I said and take a sip of my newly brewed vanilla latte.

"Thanks Nara, good as always." I thank the barista who I have grown close with.

"Welcome Jimin~" She reply cheerfully as I chuckle at her positiveness.

"When did you start coming here?" I feel a bit shock that Jungkook is starting the conversation but I quickly recover to my sense and answer him.

"Last year, around March I guess." I answer as I recall the first time I come here when I run away from home.

"Wow, I wish I could come here sooner. This is a good place to study too." He said and I smile softly before nodding, agreeing with him.

"Oh! Can I have your number?" I ask and he look at me with wide eyes before nodding. I chuckle at his cuteness and hand him my phone.

"Thanks! I wish we could know each other better!" I beam and he surprisingly smile at me and nod.

"Oh, I think I will go now. See you on Monday, Jungkook." I said before walking out from the cafe and went home to read my books.


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