Part 16

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"So is she going to be okay?" Mark asked, I was sitting on the hospital bed. I had a bandage around my head, "Yes, she should be." The doctor said. "You can call anytime if something happens," the doctor said, "C'mon." Mark said as I got off the hospital bed.
"Did the police say anything?" I asked, we were driving back home, I was in the passengers seat while Mark drove. Mark was alert, he didn't want me to get hurt anymore. I gripped his hand. "Other than 'Those crazy kids' then no." Mark said, pissed. "Police can't do shit!" He spat out, releasing my hand. "Mark.." "Am I right? They can never do anything, Y/N! Nothing! They don't care." Mark rubbed his forehead. I just sat there, at this state I was too scared to even talk to Mark. He would just yell. "Lets just get home to get some rest, okay." I muttered out. "I'm too fucking angry to go to sleep." Mark loudly said, his face said everything, anger, stress, no patience. I sighed, I glanced at him "What?" He angrily asked, still keeping an eye on the road. I quickly looked away "Nothing." I shakily said.
We reached home, but right now it looks like Mark really needs to hit something. I took off my jacket, I turned around, facing him. "What is it?" He asked, I leaned up and kissed his dry lips. He kissed back, our kiss was steamy and deep "Mmm..!" I moaned. He quickly pulled back, I groaned "No. No-- I just-- I.... I need to record." He said, walking past me. I swiftly turned around "Why? The only thing you care about is YouTube instead of--! *Sigh* Why did you marry me then? It's been months, I.. Don't know what to say anymore." I muttered, "I married you because I love you." He firmly said, looking over his shoulder. "Do you? We've never even had love! Not even for the first time because you don't want to!" He gave me a face, "Im gonna go record." He said, leaving. I balled my fists, I sat down on the couch.
- Next day
I woke up, really uncomfortable. I slept on the couch the whole night, I bet Mark was too angry to pick me up and take me to bed. I stood up and went to do what I usually do when I wake up. I went in my (Marks) bedroom to see him on the bed, I sighed. "Mark, I'm going to work, My boss told me to come over early this time." I said as I put on my grey jacket. I just heard a groan out of him.
"Look Mary, I don't want it right now, I'm having enough problems." "I see." Mary said. "I can't work the night shift anymore. My husband gets worried for the situation we're in." I explained, "Fine," Mary said, sluggish. "Thanks." I smiled. *Ring Ring* I sighed and got out my phone, "Ello?" I said "Y/N, it's mom.. She's sick." I heard sis, "With what?" I asked "I dunno. Just come home." She said "But mom doesn't want me to come back home." "It doesn't matter anymore! Just hurry up and come!"

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