³ Small Treat

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     Ever had that feeling where you felt lost? Not in a negative context. Rather, that feeling of being so lost in the moment, to the point you don't notice anything around except for that pool of glossy chocolate gaze in front of you.

     So familiar yet strange.


     A hand waving over his face snaps Taehyung out of his trance. He realizes he has been staring at the figure in front for an adequate amount of time (enough for one to get weirded out, honestly).

     It isn't long until embarrassment kicks in. Taehyung can't help but cover his face, which earns him a chuckle from the other presence that Taehyung completely forgot about for a second there.

     "Taehyung, bro? Is it really you?" The forgotten presence reaches out for Taehyung's hands and moves it away from his face.

     Taehyung meets a familiar face. The face he grew up with. The face he lost. The face he loved.

     "It's me, Yoongi! Remember me?"

     After the countless years in solitude, Taehyung finally finds him. He found Min Yoongi.

     There is nothing but joy in Taehyung's heart right now. His happiness can't seem to be contained inside that warm water starts flowing from his eyes.

     "Why're you crying? Tae-" The scene in front of Yoongi concerns him, frantically thinking of ways to calm the younger as eyes start going their way. Before he can do something though, Taehyung suddenly jumps on the elder and engulfs them in a tight hug.

     "Hyung, where have you been? I missed you. Why did you leave all of a sudden?" Taehyung bombs him with a few of the many questions he has, trying his best to speak properly and failing greatly as he sniffs and hiccups in between. In the end, he gives up and buries his head on the other's shoulders, more or so to hide his ugly crying face.

     But then again, he is Kim Taehyung. Ugly crying who?

     "Uh, you're highkey getting us attention. Why don't we take this somewhere quiet. Now stop crying, aight?" Yoongi drags them both out the crowd and settles on a bench under a tree, not too far from where they were.

     Taehyung recollects himself. He didn't mean to let out such an outburst. The situation back there was honestly uncalled for.

     "Here." A boxed drink comes flying over Taehyung's lap. It is a box of iced cocoa cream milk. Taehyung looks up to Yoongi, his thoughts incomprehensible to speak.

     "Bottoms up. That should help calm you down." Yoongi glances over, sipping on a drink of his own.

     Taehyung stares into Yoongi's gaze before breaking eye contact. His eyes looming over the drink and then opening it. He savors the smell of the non-carbonated beverage before chugging a large amount down in one go. Cocoa cream milk surely does its job.

     Yoongi can't help but chuckle at the sight of the younger evidently enjoy his drink. He sits down beside him, waiting patiently for the moment calm is evident enough on Taehyung's face.

     "Tae, I can't believe it..." Yoongi starts, comfortably leaning his back on the bench for support. Taehyung lowers his drink and looks over the elder, attempting to respond to his call, however, unable to do so because of an iced cocoa cream milk filled mouth. The closest he can mount to a response is just, "Hm?"

     Yoongi raises his arms and places them behind his head before continuing, "I can't believe that Kim Taehyung is..." Yoongi quickly falls his gaze on Taehyung and says, "...still a crybaby."

     While Yoongi's breaks down into a fit of laughter, Taehyung is this 👌 close to spitting out the drink in his mouth. Thankfully, he manages to gulp it down to his digestive system instead.

     "Hey! I wasn't crying. I just got something in my eye back there, you know? Something like dust? No, a bug!" The younger frantically defends his image. As if anyone will believe it.

     "Ahhh, can you imagine how embarrassed I was? Pfft-" Yoongi is awfully enjoying this to the point he'd wipe a tear of off his eye. Taehyung still continues to throw more excuses, now about the blazing sun and how spicy the wind was. Might as well say aliens co-exist with humans and a racism-free world is possible while you're at it, Tae.

     "I get it, I get it now." Yoongi gives in. Taehyung's excuses are just blatantly straight up impossible now.

     "I definitely wasn't crying, okay!" Taehyung declares one last time, pouting after. Yoongi reaches a hand over the other's head, messing their hair up with a ruffle.

     "No, my hair! Classes didn't start yet and now it's a ruined. Hyung!" Taehyung whines and Yoongi only smiles in response.

     It isn't long before Yoongi's attention catches sight of the camera on Taehyung.

     "You're still into that?" Yoongi points at the device on Taehyung's lap.

     "Of course." Taehyung knows what Yoongi is referring to. He looks down, taking the camera in both hands. He swiftly raise the camera up and without warning, Taehyung presses the shutter. His aim? Min Yoongi.

     "Where have you been all this time?" Without a moment to spare, Taehyung asks as he stares into Yoongi's eyes.

     Slightly taken aback, Yoongi avoids locking contact with Taehyung. Instead, he looks down, facing his body away from the direction of the other.

     "...I've been, here, and there." Yoongi answers vaguely. He isn't exactly fond of expounding the details. Guilt grows in Yoongi's throat. As much as he'd love to tell Taehyung everything that has happened to him, he isn't ready. Not yet.

     Yoongi closes his eyes and sighs. Taehyung will not likely accept his answer so easily without further skepticism.

     "Hmm... I see." Yoongi receives that unexpected response from Taehyung. In bafflement, he looks over at the younger; who displays a peaceful expression.

     This is the first time Taehyung didn't follow up Yoongi's vagueness with bombs of questions. It's all quite new for him. It seems like time really did pass.

     Taehyung slowly glances up at the older, locking contact with him. Those pool of glossy chocolate can really get you lost in them. Yoongi's skin has always been smooth and fair that Taehyung used to be so envious of it. Judging from earlier, Yoongi may not have grown much as Taehyung remembers gazing down slightly at an angle. It's the first time Taehyung gets to see his best friend's face this close and in detail for years.

     'He's still the same as ever.' Taehyung smiles at the thought. He's still overjoyed upon meeting Yoongi once again.

     "I'm just happy to see you again, really." Taehyung speaks up, his boxy grin forming on his lips.

     Yoongi smiles back, relieved. He's happy to see his best friend too.

     As happy as the situation can get, deep down Taehyung isn't satisfied. He desires something. Something he has been meaning to know through all those years. A question he terribly wants to know the answer to. A question that up to this very day still break his heart into pieces.

     Why did you leave? Even after promising each other we won't?


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