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"I've missed you so much." I sighed as I rested my head on Tomas' chest as we lay in bed in my cottage.

"The pack really misses you, when are you coming home?" I sighed at Tomas' question, something which he asks every time he sees me, talks to me or writes to me. I knew he wanted me home and I would love to go back, to just be the Luna to our pack, but I was more than just a Luna and I needed to protect all wolves, not just our pack.

"We need to discuss the future of our positions." I said as I sat up and looked down at Tomas, who had one arm bent behind his head, which made his chest arch up a little and just look delectable.

"What do you mean?" He asked as he sat up too, causing the blanket to fall to his waist.

"I am more than just a Luna now and I think some changes are going to need to be made."

"To what?"

"Well, I am going to need to lead the council and try to fix all the injustices that my brother created, but at the same time I have a duty to you and our pack."

"So, what do you want to do?" Tomas asked me and I smiled at him because he had asked me for my opinion and asked me what I wanted to do. He hadn't ordered me home or told me to leave the council; he understood that leading the council was as important to me as being his Luna was and leading our pack.

"I would like to move the council as I can't move the pack and the commute is too far."

"Move the council to pack lands? The other council members as well? Their homes?" Tomas asked me.

"Well yeah, is there enough space on the pack lands?"

"I can think of a field in the far north of the pack lands that is empty at the moment." Tomas said with a far off look in his eyes as if he was seeing the field in his mind's eye. "It would take time to move all of this and until it is all moved the other council members could live in a couple of spare houses we have, they might have to double up and you could use the ballroom in the main pack house as the meeting room until we move the buildings."

"Got any ideas on how long it could take to move all these buildings?"

"Depends on the amount of people we get on it."

"I'll let the other members know my plan tomorrow." I said with a yawn and then I snuggled down into bed. Tomas snuggled in behind me and cuddled my back to his front and that was how we fell asleep.

"Thank you all for meeting me this morning, gentlemen." I said to the other 4 members of the council. "I have some news about the future of this council and the plans that I have. In the interest of democracy, you will each be given a vote as to whether you agree with my plan or not. If you agree with the idea, but do not wish to commit to it, you are allowed to retire, as such, from the council. Does everyone understand?" The four men around me nodded and they sat, in their black robes, and listened to me explain my idea. I explained that I would like to be both the leader of the council and Luna to my pack and to make that happen I would have to move the council back to my pack. I explained that we would move the buildings and their homes to the pack lands, but while we were awaiting that to complete, they were welcome to two free houses we had on pack land that would be big enough for them to share temporarily. I also explained that while we were waiting for the main building to be moved over, we would use the main house's ballroom as a temporary council room. I told them that we would let the packs aware of the plans, hire as many people as possible for the tasks and be updating the security requirements of my pack.

The four other men sat and listened to me. They let me talk and seemed to be listening intently. When I stopped talking, they just sat there for a moment before we went around left to right on what they thought.

On the far left was the eldest council member, Christian, and he had been on the council since it's inception. He had been the longest 'yes' man my brother had and so he knew the most about what had gone on.

His skin was weary, covered in wrinkles and had more lines than a map. His once bright eyes were now misty and grey in areas. His hands shook as he moved and his body was bent with age. His hair, probably once a luscious mane, was now wispy and white.

"I understand your reasoning..." He croaked out. "And I believe that it should be done, this place has become too dreary and holds many bad memories..." (He took in a deep, rattling breath before continuing.) "However...I am too old to move so far. I think it is time for a younger body to take over...retirement sounds nice; never had that option before..." He seemed to stare off into the distance, as if imagining what life will be like for him.

"I shall leave your cottage for you here, in the compound and you have the option to move it wherever you wish." I offered him and he thanked me.

Next, we moved on to the man next to Christian and it was the scribe who had noted down all of my brother's chronicles; his name was Alister.

Alister was short, barely 5 foot and was skinny. The robe swamped him, if I was honest, and he looked weedy and weak. I could understand why my brother went with him as my brother would feel no fear of competition from Alister.

"I agree with Christian and am happy to move to your pack lands, as long as I can continue to scribe the council meetings and decisions."


We turned to the next man and this was the man who had scurried off and handed me my robe after I killed my brother; his name was Uriel.

Uriel was the epitome of average. Average height, average build, brown hair, brown eyes and you would not find him intimidating or feel any concern from him. He was also a man of few words.

"I'll go." He nodded and that was all he said on the matter.

Finally, we went to David, the man who had been helped by Uriel to dispose of my brother's body, but I had also found out that according to Alister's chronicles, David was my brother's closest council member and they spent the most time together outside of council dealings.

David looked a lot like my brother, same hair colour and build. He seemed to have been the closest to my brother and according to Uriel, had seemed sad that my brother's body had been burned. He had still done it because as much as he seemed to care for my brother, he wasn't as strong as my brother, which means he knew he was defiantly not as strong as me.

"No, the council was built here and it has always been here. It should stay."

"Well it seems you have been outvoted, David, and so, your choices are to come with or retire and stay in your cottage here."

"I will stay." David said and before I could say anything else, he got to his feet and left.

"Do not take him to heart, madam." Christian wheezed. "I know your plan to be one of good." He said as he slowly got to his feet. "I shall stick around and help those who are dismantling the cottages that are going and this building." He said before exiting through the same door that David had stormed off through.

"When will we be leaving for the pack lands?" Alister asked.

"2 weeks. You have two weeks to pack and then we load up the plane. As there is only two of you coming with me, you can each have a house each."

"Will we find replacements for David and Christian?" Uriel enquired.

"Eventually, yes, but we are still 3 and can still create a majority rule in decisions." I said as I rose from my seat and the men quickly scurried to their feet. "Oh, and you two can vote against me if that is what you believe." They nodded in understanding, but sheepishness still crept into the eyes of Alister and I stifled my smile as I left the room too. 

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