✨chapter 4- the argument

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RECAP: You and Quinton are cuddling and about to fall asleep when you hear a window smash. You walk downstairs and see someone trying to get in through the the window.

Q: Is that you Kio?
Kio tries to hide his face as he sits on the kitchen worktop.
Y/N: Kio why would you do this?
K: I'm sorry i didn't mean to cause this much damage. I was trying to just get through the window because i felt so bad about the other night and wanted to apologise but didn't want to come through the front door and turn up at your room
Q: Kio this isn't your room mate pov's it's real life. You live here and you have just smashed the window!
The rest of the SwayLa come downstairs.
Jh: what's going on here
B: why is there a smashed window
J: why is Kio here
Y/N: hm well if we put 2 and 2 together maybe you can figure that Kio smashed the window smartar$e
A: ok calm downnn bro
We invited Kio down to the living room. It was 1am at this point.
J: we need to contact our manager
H- Henry ( the manager)
J- hey henry
H- sup jaden why you calling me at 1am bro have u been kidnapped or sum
J- nah Kio has smashed the window trying to come back
H- put him in to me now
K- uh hi hen
H- kio why would you do this
Kio explained why and the drama between him you and Quinton.
H: well you need to put this behind you instead of getting worked up about a girl you have a career to live and you should know better. ALL OF YOU
K: sorry henry i will replace it personally
H: good and good night
The call was ended. And everyone falls asleep.
You wake up to the feeling of cold water on your body. You open your eyes to see the boys pouring water on you and quinton for the camera.
B: say hi to the camera
Y/N: omg i'm actually gonna kill you bryce you motherfu-
Bryce runs out of the room into the lift downstairs and you race after him down the stairs. You get down before him and start hitting him (as a joke). Everyone comes down and starts laughing at you guys.
Q: what a way to wake up ay
Jh: Indeed
You guys ate breakfast and got changed into your clothes for the day. You wore this.

Nessa wore this

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Nessa wore this.

You guys decided to go in the pool as you were all bored

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You guys decided to go in the pool as you were all bored.
N: come on we need to get ready
Y/N: ok i'm coming
Nessa pulls you upstairs into her room and you guys choose your outfits so you kinda matched. You put on this.

And Nessa put on this

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And Nessa put on this.

J: hurry up your taking foreverA: we will meet you at the pool your taking too longYou guys laugh and come down the stairs

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J: hurry up your taking forever
A: we will meet you at the pool your taking too long
You guys laugh and come down the stairs. Josh was staring at Nessa and Quinton was staring at you.
Y/N: like what you see Quinton
He went red and picked you up.
Q: thanks for embarrassing me but was it worth it (he whispers into your ear)
Quinton chucks you into the pool and splashes you.
Y/N: ugh i hate you
Everyone else gets in the pool and you guys had a fun time. (Kio stayed in his room as always)
G: Guys can we make a hot tub confessions video?
Everyone agrees so you guys get in the hot tub
G: ok first one how many exes do you have
Anthony: 3
Josh: 6
Bryce: 13😂
Jaden: 8
Griffin: 6
Nessa: 2
You: 6
Quinton: 4
G: i'm surprised Y/N
Y/N: ah you see i am full of surprises
J: ok how many people have you made out with
A: 8
Jh: 14
B: 25
J: 17
Y/N: 16
Q: 8
B: Y/N who ARE these boys
Y/N: and that's a secret i'll never tell xoxo y/n y/l/n
N: yes gOssip giRl
Y/N: ofc we love chuck bass😍
N: yes our sexy kIng
Jh: do i need to beat someone up
Y/N: well one he's a guy in a netflix series and two even if you wanted to i don't think you could... 😌
Everyone laughs. You guys do a few more questions and then it comes to the last one.
A: ok are you guys virgins
A: yar
Jh: Nope
B: yes ofc i'm a holy boy👁👄👁
everyone laughs because bryces body count is probably triple digits😼
J: uh no
G: yes i'm a 21 year old virgin my dudes 😭😭😂
everyone laughs
N: uhm nope
Y/N: ahhh uhm i mean nö
Q: uh same as Y/N
Everyone is shOOKeth.
A: wait the two freshman aren't virgins and i aM
J: oH to see without my eyes --👄👁 (he had to keep an eye out for selener tho)
B: wait your not a virgin Y/N
Y/N: are you deaf
B: stop joking around your only 15
Y/N: yehhh well Quinton only just turned 16 and I don't see you having a go at him
B: cuz he's a gu- cuz he's Quinton
Y/N: so your hating on me but not him cuz he's qUiNtOn. that's not an excuse
B: fine but your my little sister
Y/N: i don't say anything and your body counts literally higher than your IQ
Bryce walks off and everyone goes silent.
Jh: and that's all for today's tEatOk
Everyone starts laughing so you get out the pool and go look for bryce.
Y/N: hey bryce?
B: hey i'm sorry for shouting at you I mean it's your body and you can do what you want it's only fair and tbh mine was around the same time so i guess
Y/N: dont worry it's fine bryce i understood why you got mad so
B: well i'm gonna make it up to you in 1hour
Everyone goes inside and gets dry. You put on your clothes from before. You go to your room as see Quinton.
Q: what did bryce say
Y/N: he said he was sorry for shouting at me n tha he's gonna make it up to me in 1hr
Q: oh cool i wonder what it is
Y/N: yep i'm excited
Q: let's go down and see
You and Quinton both head downstairs and see Bryce and Kio.
K: hi i also helped with this because i felt bad about the thing that happened the other night i hope you can forgive me
Y/N: ofc don't worry about it Kio
You guys hug and Quinton looks a little jealous but you didnt say anything.
B: ok so here's your surprise...
He had handed you tickets to PLAYLIST!!!
I wonder what happens at plAylist?

A/N: hi guys thanks for reading another chapter. also thanks for over 40 views in only a few days it means a lot!! stay tuned for next part because there is going to be new characters in playlist and new dRama!! comment if you want anything to be added or characters etc! hope you all have a fab day! WORD COUNT - 1236 words💕

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