sign language

902 21 7

[y/n is deaf. italic = yn signing. bold italic = lauren signing]

You watched as the rain cascaded down from the silver sky, steadily drumming on the windows. Seeing the droplets race down to the bottom of the squared-glass brought a sense of calmness within you. Let it come you thought as you were safe and warm in your apartment. 

Days like these were your favourite where you didn't have to feel bad about not leaving your house. 

Suddenly you felt a pair of arms wrap around you. On instinct, your body stiffened up but when you felt soft lips press against your neck you let out a content sigh and melted into her warm embrace. 

You turned around and tilted your head down to be met with Lauren's beautiful brown eyes; the colour of hot cocoa, sprinkled with tiny flecks of gold like mini marshmallows. 

Wow.. thinking about hot chocolate on rainy days, that's never been done before.

"Hey" You read her lips as she gives you a smile that just seemed so genuinely sweet with just the right touch of shyness that an unexpected warmth rushes through you.

"Hey" You say back, mirroring her grin as you tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She leans into your touch, humming contently.

"I guess our picnic date is cancelled then" she sighed jutting out her bottom lip, redirecting the air-flow to the small hairs that framed her face. 

"Yeah it's a shame though cause I was looking forward to beating your ass in making the longest daisy-chain" Your lips curve into a smirk causing Lauren to giggle at your words, the sound softening the room as if it could make the fires burn warmer in the corner. 

She playfully rolled her eyes before pushing you back slightly by your shoulder, "Oh yeah as if you could ever beat me, only in your dreams"

Then a silence fell. Not the kind that hung in the air like the suspended moment before a falling glass shatters on the ground, but a comfortable one. One that allowed you to hear the pitter-patter of the raindrops outside and the crackling of the amber fire burning in the background.

"I have an idea" Lauren speaks up, breaking the silence. You gave a slight nod of your head to show you were listening, "You should teach me how to sign" she spoke giddily with excitement, her eyes lighting up ever so slightly causing the tiny golden flecks to shine brighter.

You thought about it for a moment before nodding your head, harder this time, as another smile crept onto your lips. 

You assumed the raven-haired girl let out a small squeal of victory as she lightly scrunched up her face and opened her mouth whilst punching the air. She intertwined your fingers and led you over to the couch across the room with a fabric the hue of buoyant sea waves. 

"Okay so.. teach me!" The words left Lauren's mouth before you even got a chance to sit down. You chuckled fondly at her enthusiasm.

"Okay so I'll teach you a few basic phrases and greetings first so here's how you sign hello" You lift your right hand up and bring it to the side of your head before pushing it away to the side by simply moving the joint in your elbow. 


Lauren nodded showing that she had understood before she copied your actions, perfectly signing the greeting.


"Ay that was good, well done baby" You praised, leading her to look down in an attempt to hide the crimson tint forming on her cheeks.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2020 ⏰

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