My Baby Boo 🥺: At xxx and make sure you wear your best clothes!
You: Okay baby see ya! What time?
My Baby Boo 🥺: In like an hour and a half!Okay I'll see you there my winter bear! And make sure you come as early as possible!
After receiving the texts you jumped out of your bed and go to your closet. Since you were so excited you accidentally tripped but you didn't mind it cause you wanted to be there as soon as possible.
Your outfit:
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After looking in the mirror for about a minute straight, thinking if you should change but you didn't since you liked it you moved onto makeup.
Your look:
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After being satisfied with your makeup you went to your whole collection of shoes, most of them being a gift from Taehyung.
Your shoes:
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You wore your shoes and looked at the mirror once more.
You looked at your phone to see the time and decided to leave.
You arrived at the restaurant and you were scrolling through Instagram waiting for Taehyung.
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