Chapter 1) Friendships Made

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Rythians POV:
I woke up normally, at the usual 6:00 am. The sun was peaking over the ocean in the distance and summer had just begun. I was planning on meeting up with Zoeya and Lomadia later at the pizza parlor. Actually no that i thought about it, everyone's most likely going to be there. Sips and Sjin will be there for sure, Xephos and Honeydew haven't missed a beginning of summer pizza yet. The more i think about it the more i realize that everyone seems to be friends now. I'm pretty sure that Turps will be there with Sips, they have been hanging out a lot. My mom yells up the stairs for me to come down for breakfast. I groan and start to roll over the get up and end up rolling out of bed. Face first onto the hardwood. Great way to start the day! I think irritated.
Zoeyas POV:
I get up and water my mushroom like i do every morning.
"How are you doing little buddy?" I ask it quietly.
Sometimes i think that they actually reply but it may just be a voice in my head. Who really knows? I start to pick up my room from last night. Lomadia came over and hung out for a while, we did girly things like eachothers hair and makeup and i found out that Xephos proposed to her just after graduation.
(Night before)
"Oh My God really?" I exclaimed loud enough the neighbors probably heard it.
"Yea! He got down on one knee and everything!" She said even louder and we squealed in unison. I then felt a little sad as i have had a massive crush on Lomadia for years.
"Hey, are you okay?" She asked when she noticed me looking down.
"I-Its nothing" i say sadly. But then i try to change the subject. Much to my dismay she doesn't catch the bait and continues.
"No there is something wrong, i want you to tell me what it is. You know i am your best friend and you can trust me" she says still trying to convince me to tell her.
"I um, Its just that I Uhh..." I say not knowing how to put the words together. I don't want to ruin out friendship and so i try to think about something else that would make sense but there is nothing.
"My god spit it out already!" She says rather loudly hoping to regain my focus thinking i had dazed off or something.
"Its just that I've had a massive crush on you since the beginning of high school" i say as quietly as possible but somehow she still hears it.
"Ohhhh so your sad because I'm with Xephos when you want to be with me?" She says rather quietly. That's unnerving because shes never quiet.
"Its not like that. I'm happy for you really! I promise i don't want..." I start but she cuts me off in the middle of it.
"I'm just messing with you i already knew anyways." She said with a smirk.
"You knew that i liked you and you never said anything?" I asked.
"Yep" she says with a few second pause. She goes to say something else but gets cut off when i dive bomb her with a hug.
"Thank you!" I say really happily.
I walk i to the parlor and look for Rythian or Lomadia and see them both sitting at a table in the back.
"Hey guys!" I say as i sit down and instantly grab a piece of veggie pizza.
"Hey Zoeya, we were just talking about the Neon 4" Lomadia says in a hushed tone.
"Who's that?" I ask with a mouthful off pizza.
"They steal from banks and other wealthy places of interest and then take it to different orphanages or foster homes" Rythian says as if its illegal to talk about.
"So why neon 4" i ask.
"Wherever they go there is a neon streak left in the air and the place is always coated in neon. The 4 comes from the four different colors all attach to a certain neon. There are green, pink, purple and blue." They both say swapping off on sentences.
"So they are bright robin hoods?" I ask with a grin.
"Well, yea but i like our way of explai...." He gets cut off by a loud crash at the back corner. It looks like someone threw a glass at the shy blonde kid. I believe his name is Lalna. People  are laughing at him, so i get up and go sit next to him.
"Hi my names Zoeya, yours is um, Lalna right? I ask sheepishly wondering how embarrassing it would be if i was wrong. He nods confirming that's his name. That's when Rythian and Lomadia come over, they sit down next to me and look at him as if hes a rare creature.
"Hey Lalna I've seen you around Yog high school a lot but I've never heard you talk" Rythian comments trying to make conversation.
"I only ever talk to anyone kind enough to listen" he says in a voice that makes a calm creek sound terrible.
"Well with a voice like that i don't see why people wouldn't want to listen." Lomadia says and then blushes when she realizes she just said that.
suddenly i get a text from my mom saying that a pipe in the house burst and we have to move out for a few days and she asked me to ask either Rythian or Lomadia.
"Hey guys can i stay with one of you for a few days? A pipe burst and my mom says i need to stay with a friend." I ask knowing one of them would say yes.
"You can stay with me" Rythian says. "why don't we all stay the night tonight. A sleepover."
"That sounds awesome!" Lomadia squeals and then blushes when the room turns towards her. Thats when Xephos walks in and she skips off to his side.
I nudge Rythian in the ribs and nod towards Lalna. "He needs friends" i whisper in his ear.
"Hey Lalna do you want to join us tonight?" Rythian asks him.
"Ehh i its a friend thing i don't want to get in the middle of that." He says obviously trying to get out of it.
"Well then you have to come as your our new friend." I say excitedly.
Rythian wanders over to the other side and whispers not to quietly "sorry dude but she will never take no for an answer. You get dragged in" Rythian then turns towards me and winks knowing i heard it clear as day.
"Yea i guess so..." He says "not like i have anything planned anyways. How can it hurt."
I smile and feel happy that we can give the shy blonde kid a chance to make friends.

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