Part 1

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Minho worked a long and hard day at his dead-end job. he hated it here. we worked full-time as a teacher's aid. Minho hates kids. these kids were especially bratty. "Ming Rui! put that down! Shuyang don't you dare pull Zihaos hair! I swear to Jesus zeyu if you so much as think of putting sand in Xinlongs lunch your parents will not be happy! Hanyu... I told you literally 2 seconds ago that paint isn't food " was pretty much all he repeated all day every day. 

Just to top it all off Minho was just diagnosed with insomnia, so daily night trips to his local convenience store weren't uncommon, whether it was because he was craving something or he just wanted some adult interaction, he'd always go. he actually became good friends with one of the cashiers, Daniel. Minho and Daniel would sit and talk every Tuesday night (that's when he worked) about everything and anything, so when Daniel got a new boyfriend or girlfriend Minho would be the first to know.

 His current fling is a girl called Jihyo, Minho actually had the pleasure of meeting her one Tuesday night, absolutely stunning with a matching personality. Jihyo was perfect inside and out and you could tell she genuinely cared for Daniel and that was the type of relationship Minho craved for. 

So, if you were to tell Minho he'd find that relationship tonight. he wouldn't believe you. 

Jisung took a long stretch, Jisung did not work, he lived comfortably, his parents being rich and all, he didn't have to work a day in his life. Jisung checked the time '4.30pm' it read. "Damn that's a record... earliest I've woke up all month" 

He turned on his bath and just let the steam engulf his body before stepping in for a calming and relaxing bath. it was so warm, he felt like he was safe and that he didn't have a worry in the world. but that was far from the truth. jisung had many worries. 

remembering his many worries jisung hopped out of the tub and quickly dried himself off before rushing to get dressed. he ran to his kitchen and check his cupboards. just what he thought. he was nearly out of cereal. "i-i can only get on more bowl out of this..." jisung faked cried to himself while pouring the last bit of cereal into a bowl then pouring in his milk. "meh, ill just get some more tomorrow" Jisung sighed, sitting down at his desk. Jisung turned on his computer and then his monitor. he logged on to LOL and spent the majority of the day gaming 



the clock read for both jisung and Minho. Minho was craving some snacks so he could finish watching Itaewon class in complete solidarity. Jisung, on the other hand, was hefty craving cereal. he had just moved into this apartment but he knew there was a small store about 5 minutes away, he had been once for twice. 

so they both decided to leave for the convenience store. 

Minho was the first to arrived, he gave a friendly smile and wave to the middle-aged lady working the counter that night, and became sifting through snacks. 

Jisung arrived soon after and gave an awkward smile to the lady before heading straight for the cereal. 

Minho decided what he was buying and headed toward the counter. Minho wasnt paying attention and all of a sudden "OW!" 


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