Part 2

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Minho looked down to see a small squirrel looking boy on the floor with a box of cereal clutched in his arms. "oh fuck I'm so sorry I should've been paying attention!" Minho spluttered out. "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOIN-.... heyyyy you're kinda cute y'know?" 





"I'm straight, and besides I just knocked you over, get your priorities in check!" Minho sighed and shot the younger boy a disapproving look. "meh worth a shot" Jisung shrugged and pushed himself off of the shop's dusty floor. "we should pay" Minho said to the young boy and walked to the counter. 

after paying Minho and Jisung began walking to their respective homes. "why are you following me? I thought you were stRaIGhT" Jisung mocked with a smirk plastered across his face. Minho sighed "we just live in the same direction, don't get the wrong idea" Minho ran his hands through his hair. "what are you doing a convenience store at 3 in the morning anyway?" Jisung asked, genuinely curious. 

"I have insomnia and I fucking hate my life, what's your excuse?"

"... oh wow now I feel dumb as fuck, I just like cereal." 

Minho let off a short chuckle and ruffles the shorter boys' hair. "you're really something, y'know...?" Minho trailed off "Jisung." Jisung concluded. Jisung.. it suits him. "yeah you look like a jisung, I'm Minho." suddenly jisung stopped. "what's up?" Minho asked curiously. "uhh.. this is my building." Jisung said and pointed up at the fancy looking apartment complex. Minho stood in shock. He had always passed this building when going to and from work and always felt jealous of the rich bastards who lived there, as his house could probably fit in the living room of one of the apartments. 

"oh... cool" Minho said completely dumbstruck. Jisung gave out a sheepish grin. "My dad bought it for me... I think its a bit much." Minho nodded along. "Oh! give me your hand!" Jisung smiled brightly at the tallboy. Minho questioned but complied and stuck out his hand for Jisung. 

"Call me ;) XXXXXX XXXXX"

why is this boy so strange?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2020 ⏰

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