Chapter 3- Risky Buisness

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Via's POV
We drove up to the office building, and I  got off my bike as everyone else got out of  there cars.

"Here we are , the Grande Plaza Suite. You all know the plan. Olivia, Layla, Tony, you know your assignment" Shashi said to us.

We nodded and launched ourselves on the the building and got on the glass of three building. I cut a whole through the glass and pushed it as it fell and shattered. We all got in and released ourselves from the rope.

"Alright we're in Shashi." Layla said through her watch.

"Alright. Now go down the hall and it's the last one on your left. Olivia you'll need to use your hacking skills to unlock the door" Shashi said.

"I could've told you that" I said sarcastically.

"Wait she can hack?! Oh I can tell we're gonna be best friends" Frostee said excitedly over the speaker.

I giggled a bit. Yep I like this dude already. I crouched down and looked at the system. I did my fastest hacking technique through my armband and disabled the lock which unlocked the door.

"Nice work Via" Tony said to me.

"Thanks Toretto" I said as I got back up and we went inside.

We got the jewel from the owl inside and we then made a quick escape from the circle I cut out.

"Nice work ladies and gentlemen" Shashi said as he took the jewel from Layla.

"Now Olivia, I need you to get an artifact from the Russians owl, under his stand is a key I need for this Sh1ft3r Race. I need you to go back up and get it" Shashi said.

"Alright fine. But Toretto's coming with me" I said and I pulled Tony with me and we launched ourselves back up to the hotel room to find the key.

"You know I know this isn't the right time to say this but I love a woman in charge. It's kinda hot" Tony said.

I blushed a bit and turned to him. "Thanks, I've never heard that from anyone" I said.

"Well yeah of course I mean. You know what you want and that's good" Tony said.

"Yeah I don't get things handed on a silver platter. I'm not a damsel in distress" I said.

"I can tell. Everyone can" he said.

We kept looking for the key holder and we finally found it and we took the key carefully while replacing it with something else.

"Alright Shashi we got it. We're coming down now" I said.

As soon as I put the key in my pocket, there was someone coming. We looked at each other and quickly ran out to the balcony.

"What do we do?" I said freaking out a little.

"We'll shoot our ropes down and just slide down" Tony said.

"Alright sounds like a plan" I said. We both shot down our ropes to the bottom and we started climbing down. All the sudden, my rope detached from my harness hook and I fell a bit, yelping in the process.

Meanwhile Tony was halfway down.

"Via! Are you ok?" Tony asked me in concern.

"Yeah, I'm good, trying not to fall" I said a bit nervous. If my other harness hook detaches, I'm a dead woman.

"Hold on ok? I'm coming to get you" Tony said as he started climbing back up to get me. I heard as my second harness hook slowly started detaching.

"Tony I'm scared. Hurry" I said with my voice wavering a bit.

"I'm almost there Via, hang on" he said calmly to me.

Soon enough, the second harness hook detached and I started fall. I screamed as I fell. This is it. This is were I die and never to be heard from again.

Soon as I thought was about to hit the concrete, I felt arms catch me and I looked to see it was Tony carrying me bridal style as we slid down and I swear to you, I felt the whole world stop and I looked into his eyes and he looked in mine. And right then and there ladies in gentlemen, I knew. I was in love with Tony Toretto.

He just stared at each other for what felt like hours and I smiled a bit at him as he smiled back at me.

"You saved my ass once again Toretto" I said a bit quietly.

"Your worth saving any day Via." He said to me as he kissed my forehead. I blushed a bit as I smiled mad hard.

We soon reached the ground and he put me on the ground on my feet.

"Thanks again, Tony. I would've been dead if it wasn't for you." I said to him.

"No problem Via" he said as he hugged me a bit and I hugged back but soon pulled away.

"Alright you have the key?" Shashi asked intruding our moment.

"Yeah here ya go" I said as I got it out of my pocket and gave it to him.

"Thank you. Now let's fallback for the night. I'll see y'all tomorrow" Shashi said as he got in his car and drove off.

"Alright let's go back to the shop and rest up. Layla, Via you coming?" Tony asked.

"I'm gonna rent a hotel for the night but Via if you want to go with them you can" Layla said.

"Really? You sure cause I don't wanna leave you alone" I said feeling bad.

"I'm fine Via. Go with them. I'll see you tomorrow" she said as she got in her car and drove to the hotel.

"Well then I guess your with us for the night" Tony said.

"Oh no, how will I live?" I said playfully being sarcastic.

"I've got some ways to help" Tony said coming up to me.

"Oh yeah" I said as we were now face to face.

Our breath on each other's faces. The tension was high as hell and it was getting a bit sexy.

"We'll see about that Toretto" I whispered.

"Yeah we will" he whispered back.

We backed away from each other and we drove back to the shop and went upstairs.

"Well then, we can do a sleepover then if Via's here. We've got a lot of catching up to do" Echo said.

We nodded. This was gonna be an interesting night for all of us.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2020 ⏰

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