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Gemini was looking out the window from the spaceship, the space full of stars.


In the beautiful tribe of the Gemini aristocrats, little Gemini witnessed how his father was being trusted with the dagger of the phoenix, smiling proudly. Gemini's mother whispered in the little boy's ear.

Mother - That's all you're good for, to keep the dagger, my boy. Never use your disgusting gift.

Little Gemini didn't pay attention because he thought having a disgusting gift was the normal name of his powers. Then another flashback as Gemini tried training with one of the boys in his tribe. He had copied the boy's power.

Dorado - You're two-faced! Stabbing me in the back like that! You're supposed to be the Guardian who saves us all? What a jest!

As the years went by and Gemini went from being a little boy to a young man, he had flashbacks of how his friends started to always keep their distances from him. He remembered the first time he met Capricorn, and a smile appeared on his lips, looking out of that window in the spaceship. He remembered how he was in his training chamber, with the bright light of the fairies sparkling. Gemini was training, his eyes closed, meditating, as a bucket of cold water was splashed at him, and he opened his eyes, startled, looking at Capricorn cluelessly.

Capricorn - Oh, I apologize. I thought you were dead.

Gemini just looked at her blankly.

Capricorn - I'm Capricorn, my lord. Your personal servant and a Guardian.

She showed her ring of restriction. Gemini had other flashbacks. He had a deep cut from training, and Capricorn was tending to his wounds. She was trying to clean up the injury, and he was looking closely at her.

Gemini - I always give you trouble. Why do you always care for me?

Capricorn looked at him and smiled.

Capricorn - Because I'm the only one who does.

Gemini looked away, understanding he was falling in love with her.

Uranus put her hand on Gemini's shoulder, making him snap out of it.

Uranus - Almost there.

GUARDIANS OF THE ZODIAC: GEMINI'S BETRAYALWhere stories live. Discover now