Marked to Die

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Klance is cannon. I repeat, Klance is cannon.


2 weeks ago, the paladins had discovered something astounding. It was a unique rock-like object with radioactive-like traits . Unknowing of what it could do, the team brought it back to the castle. The team opted to keep it in a containment room so they could study it.


"Shiro! Shiro!" Pidge runs into the common room, where Shiro, Keith and Lance were handing out. Lance jumped up from Keith's embrace and ran over to the panicked girl. Shiro and Keith immediately joined Lance in trying to calm her down. Pidge takes a few shuddering deep breaths upon Lance's instruction and looks each man dead in the eye. "Call everyone to the main deck. I just learnt something about the meteor. It's really important."

The team filed in one by one to see a pacing Pidge. "What did you learn, Pidge?" Allura asked once everyone was there. Pidge stopped pacing and wrung her hands. "We need to get rid of it. It's an entity made of dark quintessence. To survive, it needs a host. As in us. It apparently feeds on their quintessence. We need to get rid of it." Pidge frantically gestures with her hands.

Lance licked his lips and put in, "Then there's no point. If it needed a host to survive, it must've already chosen one of us as a host."

Everyone stared at Lance. "Quiznack." Coran said after a tense moment of silence. "Pidge, Coran. Find a way to test each of us to see which of us it might be." Shiro commanded. The 2 nodded solemnly. "How will it affect the host? Are there tell tale symptoms or something?" Hunk asked. "Yeah. They'll become increasingly tired, and suffer from severe fatigue. Another huge giveaway is their mind will become 'poisoned', as it becomes dark. They will eventually become suicidal, depressed and all that fun stuff." The team was thoroughly terrified.

Lance squeezed his boyfriend's hand. Keith moved to wrap his arm around Lance's waist and softly kissed him.

Shit was about to get real.


Lance woke up in the middle of the night and immediately realized something was wrong. Keith was still asleep next to him and it was normal. But something was off about him. He got out of bed, careful not to wake up his boyfriend and walked. He just walked and walked. That's all Lance was aware he was doing. It was almost like he was sitting back and watching his body move at something else's control. The next thing he knows, he has one of Keith's blades in his hands and is sitting inside his bathroom.

Out of absolutely nowhere, exhaustion hits him. Hard. He stares at the blade in his hand. Then his wrists. 'NO! No, what the fuck am I thinking?! Don't fucking do it.' But the blade's tip traces over his wrist. 'No! NO!' Pressure is applied as it glides across the skin. Lance watches in horror as blood quickly comes and starts dripping down his palm. 'What have I done?' With great effort, Lance gets up, cleans his wound and wraps a bandage around it. He staggers back to Kieth and his room, throws the blade on the side table and sits on the bed. He fell asleep with Keith spooning him.


Lance began waking up tired. He didn't bother joining in on conversations. He began skipping meals and would often be found in the lounge. He couldn't concentrate on anything, his reflexes slowed and became sluggish. Lance's eyes that were once so full of life became dead. His smile held nothing. This came slowly, and at first glance seemed unimportant. But as Lance became worse and worse, the team became increasingly concerned.

"Hey babe, you need to eat. Please." Keith's voice cracked a bit. "Why? I'm not hungry, I told you already." Lance said. "You haven't eaten in 18 hours. Please. For me?" Keith begged. He sighed and ate the bowl of goo Keith brought. 'What's the point of eating if I'm just going to die anyway?'

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