Chapter 3

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Akko's POV

This wasn't the first time I had been to Andrew's house, yet it somehow always caught me off guard. Much like some castle from the fairytales I read in my childhood, there were rows of cypress trees that lined the long gravel driveway towards his house.

As Andrew opened the car door for me, I stepped out and we began walking up the marble steps that led to his door.

It hadn't sunk in until now that I had agreed to spend the night with him! What was I thinking!? Of course I didn't really wish to be alone back at the dorms right now, considering all the strange dreams I have been having lately, but of all people, it had to be Andrew!

"Andrew has enough on his plate right now and doesn't need to deal with my problems on top of his own. Besides he doesn-" Just then I was so lost in thought, I had bumped into Andrew, not knowing we had already reached the guest room I would be staying in.

"God what is wrong with me today!?" I muttered under my breath as I rubbed my head.

"I think it's best if you go ahead and get some sleep before you bump into anything else." Andrew said, worried.

I sighed and thanked him again for letting me crash at his place for the night. He nodded and smiled, then closed the door.

There in my room was one of Andrew's shirts, folded neatly at the end of my gigantic bed. The room was bigger than my entire dorm room, whom I shared with two other girls!

*Sighhh* "it sure must be nice to be rich", I chuckled. However I knew the troubles and pain that came with it. I saw how Andrew suffered. Having his whole life laid out before him. He doesn't even have a say in any part of his future.

I wish there was something I could do for him, but all I ever do is add more worry onto him.

"Gahhhhh" I yelled. "I need to stop overthinking and actually get some sleep for once. Who knows, maybe tonight I won't has those weird dreams." I mumbled as I started to slowly drift off into sleep.

Alas, that was wishful thinking on my part. When do things ever go my way?

˚✧₊⁎The Dream⁎⁺˳✧༚

Darkness, once again suffocated me.

Once again the green glowing flame appeared. The strange guy suddenly emerged. His facial expression sent shivers down my spine.

Glowing green eyes pierced through my soul and I felt a sharp pain. He walked towards me, however I was unable to move away. Stuck in place, I began to panic.

"Someone... please... help me." I barely managed to mutter out.

The talk slender boy was now right in front of me. His outstretched arm grabbed my chin and forced me to make eye contact with him.

"Leave." The sharp words left his lips.

I knew it wasn't a suggestion, it was an order.

Tears fell down my cheeks. Why did this guy have so much power over me? What did he want? Why me?

At this point I was shaking uncontrollably. He looked as if he was about to say something else when suddenly-


The dream was gone. I was immediately engulfed into Andrew's tight embrace. Tears are still streaming down my face. Why was Andrew in my room?

Andrew's POV

I couldn't sleep. All I kept thinking about was was happened earlier today. All of the sudden I hear crying coming from down the hall. I immediately rush out of bed and instinctively barge in Akko's room without knocking.

She was curled up in bed sobbing and shaking uncontrollably. I immediately inched closer and heard her manage to mutter something.

"Someone... please... help me." She cried.

I hesitated, but woke her up out of her awful nightmare.

"AKKO!" I shouted.

I scooped her up into my arms and hugged her tightly. She was still crying, but it appeared that her shaking had stopped. She buried her face into my neck and I gently rubbed her back in a circular motion.

We didn't say a word. As we sat there in silence, she continued to sob quietly while I hugged her tighter. Whoever was causing her this much pain, is going to pay.

After her tears stopped she tilted her head up to look me in the eyes.

"Thank you" she whispered softly.

I smiled lightly. Something about this girl makes me go crazy every time.

In that moment I noticed her in one of my old shirts that looked gigantic on her small, frail body. Her right shoulder was slightly hanging out of the shirt collar and her soft brown hair trailed past her shoulders. She looked cuter than ever and I felt myself loosing my composure.

It was then, when I did something that I had been longing, for what seemed like forever.

I gently caressed her tear stained cheek and kissed her.

Her eyes widened in shock, but slowly accepted it. Our tongues intertwined as I pulled her in closer to me. My hands wandered down her back and grabbed her ass. She moaned softly into my mouth. I didn't want to let her go.

We separated as we both gasped for air. A part of me wished to continue more, but the other part didn't want to take advantage of her after what had just happened.

I once again caress her cheek that was now bright red due to embarrassment.

"Goodnight" I said as I whispered softly in her ear.

I then kissed her forehead and got up and left her room.

Akko's POV

"OMG OMG OMG" I repeatedly said as i grabbed onto my head.

"What just happened!? M-Me and A-Andrew... k-k-kissed!?"

So much for getting any sleep tonight.


Well hello guys, I'm back from the dead! I finally decided to write the 3rd chapter for this story! It's been so long, I believe since Christmas Eve wasn't it!?! A few people commented on my post where I had announced that this book would be currently discontinued. I couldn't believe that people were actually reading my stuff! Thank you so much for commenting because it actually gave me the confidence to continue the story. As for when the next chapter will release, I'm not sure... I really try to make sure that the chapters are a decent length and don't have spelling errors, so it might be awhile. Anyways, I love you guys and I hope you're having a good summer!

Until next time,


[Word count: 1109]

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