This is the part where you run

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"When we're young, we're taught the distinction between a hero and a villain, good and evil, a savior and a lost cause.

But what if the only real difference is just who's telling the story? My name is Parker pierce. I come from a long line of the villains in the tales you've heard about vampires, werewolves, witches, and everything in between. The school behind these gates protects the secrets of people like me. And tonight, under the light of the full moon, we will be opening our doors to someone new."

3rd Person POV

"Rafael, seriously, it's not right," Landon says to his foster brother, the brown-skinned boy chuckled

"It is what it is, Landon," Rafael says as the curly head boy walked faster to catch up to his brother 

"You're not Catholic. You shouldn't have to confess your sins." Landon argued back

"I tossed a lawnmower through the patio doors, bruh. If apologizing to God gets Hector and Maria off of my back, so be it." Rafael said as they walked into the church

"Buenas tardes, Father Pietro," Raf says 

"Buenas tardes, Rafael. Por favor, pray with me." The paster said as Rafael took a knee 

"Landon, you can leave now. It's okay, we can take it from here." There, foster dad, Hector said

"Im good Hector" 

"Landon, this is between your foster brother and God, okay?"

Landon still looked suspicious 

"Hey, I got it, bro. Just wait outside."

and with that, he left

Parkers pov

the screeching of the tires is all you hear as me, Dr. Saltzman and Hope hop out the jeep and when we get there all we see is Landon sitting outside on the stairs 

"Landon" Hope and I say at the same time

" P, Hope," Landon says shocked see us there 

"You three know each other?" Dr.Saltzman says 

"Long story," I said 

"Dr.Saltzman" Hope says 

"Yeah, I'm on it. Doors are locked." He said 

I grabbed Hopes arm 

"Dissera Portus!" I said and looked at Landon"

"You're gonna want to stay out here, Landon, trust me."

as soon as we walked in we heard yelling 

"Shut down the exorcist, would you?" I said to Hope 


"Ad somnum" I then said to silence the parents 

" help me" Was herd from Rafael 

"Easy does it. Easy, now." Alaric said trying to calm him down

In the car

"How do you three know each other?"

" he used to serve us at the grill," Hope said 

"Peanut Butter Blast. Whipped cream on the bottom."

"We danced once," Landon said smiling at me 

" We tried I said and chuckled "

"And then you moved away." Hope said 

"Then you made a door blow off its hinges with your brain. Do you feel like explaining that?"

"Oh, we'll explain everything. We're almost there." I said 

"Where are we going?" Landon asked 

"Somewhere safe."

As we arrived I jumped out of the car before it stopped  and went to tackle the twins

Lizzie and Josie giggled as they let me go 

"Welcome to The Salvatore School. We're your tour guides." They say to raf

"I'm Josie."

"I'm Lizzie."

"Twins "

"Fraternal. Obvs."

that's when Alaric stepped in 

"Rafael, why don't you go ahead with the girls while I talk to Landon." Which counted me

"Morning, Hope"

"Morning girls"

"More like despair." I giggled at Lizzies stubbornness

"I heard that."

"No, you didn't "

"Didn't have too"

"Everyone, behave." 

"love you dad"

the twins said as we walked off with Rafael

"Everybody gets along with everybody here, for the most part."

"The wolves are pretty cliquey. They like to hang with their own. In defiance of the school's commitment to inclusiveness. That is why we volunteered to be your tour guides. To give you a good witch welcome before your hairier brethren corrupt you." Lizzie said 

" That's my mom," I said 

" I brought her back to life and then she became our teacher"

shes subbing for our Chemistry of Magic teacher who accidentally incinerated himself last week in hellfire.  Burned all the hair off his body, but didn't leave a scar."

"Come on. We'll show you the turret. It's where the seniors go to smoke."

"What do they smoke, eye of newt?"

I looked at him and smirked 


(Im ending the chapter her and will have  more tonight or tomorrow do forget to comment and vote")

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