eves and excitement

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Ally P.O.V


Oh my gosh! It's Christmas eve! Which means that today I and Austin will be meeting Trish and Dez at the airport. Yes. They finally found the time to visit us in Miami for Christmas. It's not like we didn't ever meet up after they left Miami 6 years ago, when we were 18. Gosh...it really has been that many years. 6 wonderful years dating and loving Austin Moon. But, to date me, he had to make a major sacrifice. His music. He has 4 more years till he can go back to recording...which is still a pretty long time. I still feel so guilty. But I am happy that our relationship has come such a long way.

I try to get out of my boyfriends grasp. Boy, does he cuddle me tightly. Yes, he had slept with me. At my house. In my bed. Wait wait....For all those dirty minded freaks out there....no we did not do it. Well we didn't do it yesterday....but we have done it before. Gosh....I'm so embarrassed now... Anyway...my lovable, sometimes not mature boyfriend was holding me tight against his bare chest, his head buried into my hair. I nudged him. Tickeled him. Even kissed him. Nope...nothing worked. He even had the nerve to moan when I kissed each of his abs...argh...I'll need to replace myself on this bed if I am ever going to get up. So, I took a pillow and tucked it under Austin's arm. After that I pressed against the bed and a lid out. Phew. It was like that everyday.

I walked over to the kitchen and started making some home made pancakes which simply loved. I started thinking "When or maybe if I'm going to marry Austin, I'll have to keep on coming up with tricks to get out of his bed time cuddles in time so I could get to work. I suddenly felt two strong arms wrap around me and he mumbled into my ear saying "After 6 whole years of dating each other, you are still doubtful about marrying me?" Oh great. I had thought aloud again hadn't I? "Yep!" Austin mumbled into ear, cuddling me. I turned around and gave him a peck on the cheek. Austin pouted and said in a voice that is usually used with babies "Fwirst you doubt mawwing me. Now u don't wanna kiss me on the lips....little austie is angwrie wif you. Hmph!" I chuckled to myself. See...This is one of the times where Austin is literally a five year old stuck in a 24 year old body "For the marrying thing...I am not against marrying you...just that remember that your parents are in favour of arranged marriage? And...i don't wanna kiss you on the lips cos you ate Ice cream off your pants yesterday. " I replied running my hand through his messy blonde hair. Austin smirked and answered, "Well...guess who convinced his parents to let him do a love marriage! And for your information, I rinsed my mouth before going to bed." I squealed and instantaneously gave the love of my life a full on kiss on the lips. No. I wasn't happy that he had washed his mouth. I was happy, or maybe ecstatic that his parents had finally agreed with love marriage. Austin smiled through the kiss and instinctively put his hand on my hip and pulled me closer. After a few minutes, we pulled away and Austin cheekily asked me if I wanted to be a mother yet. I punched him playfully and went to tickle his soft spot but that's when he made a run for it, screaming his well known girlish scream. As he ran all around the house, he started knocking over loads of stuff. I sighed. If there's any thing that'll stop me from marrying him, it's his EXTREME untidiness. But that of course is a really dumb and stupid reason. Well, I yelled at him to come help me and he came back with a sheepish look on his face. As he picked up the pieces of a broken flower vase he broke, he looked as guilty and embarrassed as the day his pants flew off. Whoops! I'm not supposed to say that. Just pretend you never heard that.

As I started mopping the floor, I felt a somersault in my stomach. Acid rose up to my mouth. I tried to keep it down but it just came back up. I dropped the mop and made a run for the bathroom. I heard footsteps behind me but didn't bother and started barfing into the toilet. I felt a hand rubbing my back but I continued to vomit. When I finally stopped, Austin helped me wash up. Soon enough the concerned Austin kicked in and he started asking me why I had started vomiting. I passed it off as a minor stomach upset due to the huge amount of cake I had eaten at Anna Maria Perez de Tagle's birthday party yesterday. Then he asked if that was the reason I had vomited yesterday too. Damn...he knows. "Yeah...I guess that's it." I said. He shrugged and walked me to the bed. He kissed my head and went to the living room, probably to get breakfast. I smiled at his sweetness. That's when I thought to myself. Why did I eat so much cake? It almost sounds like a craving. Wait. Craving? Vomiting? I'm not pregnant am I? Nah. It can't be. Maybe I ate that much cake because the Christmas and birthday mood had gotten into me. Yeah that must be it.

"What must be it?" I heard Austin say. God...I've got to stop thinking out loud.

After having breakfast, the both of us got ready because we had to leave for the airport. As we pulled away from our house, Austin put his hand on mine. I smiled as I looked at the blondie beside me. We were about to meet our best friends for christmas. How much jollier can this jolly season get? Austin and I chatted and before we knew it, we had reached the airport. After the car was parked, and we were in the arrival hall, I checked my phone to see if Trish had texted anything about what time the were going to land. Apparently they had already landed. When I asked her where they were, she replied me with this "look behind you Ally". When I turned around, I saw my two bestest friends. Well...They were only second to my Austie. "Hey! You are only saying that because he's your boyfriend! " Trish says,giving me a glare. I've got to stop doing that! "Yep!" I heard Dez's perky reply. Austin and I gave the other half of team Austin and Ally hugs. We all huddled and started talking non stop until the guards told us to go and talk at home. All four of us blushed and walked over to the car. As we drove to Austin's house, Trish started to chat about this 15 year old girl who was her first client. Apparently,the girl whose name was Tricia, couldn't keep a part time job at all. Hmmmm....sounds familiar. By the time we got to the moon's we already knew all about Trish's new management company and all of Dez's movies. No no....he didn't star in them. He directed them. One of them was actually loosely based on our lives. Oh scratch that...it was as accurate as a biography. And guess what? Dez actually got Ryan Gosling to play Austin's part and Zoe Kravitz was playing me. Pretty cool huh?


After entering Austin's house, Mike and Mimi Moon told Trish and Dez to go take short nap. Meanwhile I and Austin got out all the Christmas decorations. Yeah...you're guessing right. Austin still hadn't decorated his house for Christmas. Since it didn't take more than 10 minutes to get all the decorations from the basement, we spent 20 minutes sitting around and making out. What? We weren't voted best real life couple for noting. At around ten, the four of us started to decorate Austin's two story house. His parents later joined in too. After two hours or so, Austin spotted me trying to hand a mistletoe on the door to the balcony. He rushed over and grabbed me by the hip, lifting me towards the ceiling. Wow he's strong. But, after I finished hanging the mistletoe, he didn't put me down. "Look. We're under the mistletoe. Looks like its time for a..." I didn't let him finish and I crashed my lips into his. After a few moments of kissing, I heard Trish mumble, "Try not to suck each other's face off." I chuckled in between the kiss and pulled away. "No PDA mr moon." I said as I poked the tip of his nose. He finally put me down and we resumed decorating.


We are finally done. This place looks amazing! This year, Dez decided that the Christmas tree should be placed near the door of the balcony. The four of us looked at the masterpiece we had made. Just as we were about to settle onto Austin's couch to enjoy a movie, we heard a loud crash. Oh come on! One of Florida's strong gusts of wind came along and blew the Christmas tree over. The four of us groaned at the prospect of putting it back up. But we had no other choice.

After another gruesome two hours of work, we finally had the tree back up, away from any doors and windows. As we made our way towards the couch, Austin remarked, " You know Dez, even though you are much more mature now, your ideas still suck." In the end we decided to watch a movie called The Fault in Our Stars. It was such a tear jerker. We were all in tears by the end of it. After I had stopped bawling, I looked up at Austin, my star crossed lover. "Promise you will never leave me?" I mumbled into his chest as he pulled me in for a hug. "Promise." He said as he sealed the deal with a gentle kiss in my lips. "I'm surprised you two are still dating!" Trish said. "Huh? You mean you don't like us together?" Austin and I said simultaneously. "No no....I mean that we expected the both of you to be married by now." Trish said, chuckling at the horrified looks in our faces. Austin and I instant,y blushed and looked at each other sheepishly.

We basically spent the rest of our Christmas Eve doing stuff that we loved to do in high school. Sadly,after all that excitement that day, none of us could stay awake till 12 to wish each other Christmas. In the end we all ended up sleeping over at Austin's house. Ah.....what a day. Wonder what fun tomorrow will bring, I thought as I drifted off in Austin's arms, snuggled up against his chest as his slow breathing serenaded me to sleep.


Authors note:

So... That's the first part. I'm not too sure if I can update tomorrow, but I'll try. If I can't, I'll update on 26th...promise. Merry Early Christmas! Don't get caught under the mistletoe! Haha...jkjk...have fun people!

~anin :D

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