Pressies and Proposals

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Hi there fellow readers! It's Ross lynch's birthday today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROSS LYNCH!

Those whose birthdays are today, you are really lucky and happy birthday to you too! My birthday just had to be on 26th Dec....three days before. Any way...I hope everyone's enjoying this so far. I think I gave too much away with the title (whoopsie) I also realised I forgot to list the pressies the gang got for each other...soweee....but here they are...

Austin gave...
Ally~ the A&A gold necklace
Trish~ a box of scented candles (Trish apparently loves them)
Dez~ 10 vouchers for free chicken pot pie at Melody cafe
Ally gave...
Austin: the contract
Trish: an awesome new artist for her to manage
Dez: a really cool underwater video camera
Trish gave...
Ally: a cool song book with an electric photo frame on the cover. The photo frame showed pictures of the four of them when they were in high school
Austin: A free "pancakes for a whole year at pancake heaven" voucher
Dez: a really cool software for editing videos and pictures
Dez gave...
Austin: an electric guitar signed by LeBron James.
Ally: a collection of 20 romantic novels
Trish: a animal print emporium gift card
There you go. Any way...enjoy part three...don't forget to comment and vote! :)

29th december: 7.00am

Ally P.O.V

I woke up and instantly remembered. It was Austin's birthday. (Yes...I made Austin's birthday the same day as Ross's) I decided to let Austin sleep for a while. As I got up, I gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead. You may be surprised, but we actually hadn't set up his birthday party yet. But...don't you worry. Trish, Dez, and I had come up with the perfect and sweetest way to distract the birthday boy so we could set the party up without him coming in the way. I wrote a note and placed it where I had slept, as I had been told by my other two besties. I then brushed my teeth, got ready and left the house, bound for the place where the party was gonna be held. Trish will be staying here and will follow him around on his "treasure hunt".


Austin's P.O.V


It's my birthday! Whoop whoop! I looked beside me and instead of my beloved brunette, I found a note.

"Good morning Austin. I let you sleep because I didn't want to disturb you. I am really sorry but I had to go to the recording studio. Trish and Dez have gone home to their parents for a while and your parents went to a cousins house. I am really sad that you are alone at home today...when it's a Sunday. By the way, you look cute with your long hair in a bed head.
With lots of love,
Ally "

Awwww I'm alone! Nice way to spend your birthday. Note the sarcasm. I went down to the dining room after brushing my teeth. To my delight, I found a whole stack of pancakes sitting on the table. "Thank you Ally!" I said to myself. Since there was no one in the house I was not afraid to talk to myself. That's when I got a text message from Ally.

"Your welcome. I know you hate being bored on Sundays so I have organised a little game for you. Enjoy your pancakes!"

"Woah how does she read my mind?" I thought out loud yet again. Then I got another text saying
"I've been your girlfriend for over 6 years you doof."

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