Chapter thirty

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"A half breed? what do you mean?" I asked confused and he sighed before turning in his seat to give me his full attention.

"I know the whole situation is weird with me being a hunter and shit, but that's kind of where I come in handy" he said looking away ashamed, and I grabbed his face turning it towards me so he can see how genuine I am as I speak.

"Xander, I know that's a part of you life that you hate, I know you blame yourself but you need to understand that I love you, I love every part of you, I accept you and all the flaws you come with because it's my job" I say and he leans in and kisses me before telling me the rest of his story.

"My mom was a wolf, my dad was her mate but she was too scared to say anything to him, afraid of what he would say, so she kept it hidden, got him to fall in love with her as a human and not for what she was. Then me and Harper were born, making both of us half breeds, and one day while my dad was at work my mom was home with me since Harper was at a friends house and my mom didn't work. My dads best friend and co-worker came over to, quote on quote, drop something off, so my mom let him in but as soon as she did he locked the door, he hit her and threw her on the couch and she screamed, he was obviously drunk and he scared me, I was only a child and he was strong enough to throw my mom, so I just watched as he repeatedly hit her and tried to rape her. He didn't though, hell no my mom was a lot stronger than that, she ended up ripping his throat out just as my dad walked through the door. my dad was horrified, called her a disgusting monster without letting her explain, called the cops and they arrested my mom taking her to jail, my dad obviously found out she wasn't human meaning he knew we weren't fully human either, after my mom killed his best friend he changed, he made it his life goal to hunt them down and kill every werewolf he could, using me and Harper as his secret weapon." he stopped to catch his breath as tears ran down his face, I wanted nothing more than to hold him but I could tell he wasn't done so I sat there and let him pour his heart out to me.

"He never saw us as his kids ever since that day, he uses us, because we can sniff you guys out, I remember he threatened to kill us like our mom if we didn't help him, so we helped him, and the rest of the gang don't even hunt like me and harper, they just found information and landmarks because they refuse to hurt them. I haven't seen my mom since that night, I don't know if she's rotting in a cell somewhere or if she's out living her life like we don't exist, or if she's dead. I just can't believe I was such a coward back then, I couldn't even help my own mother as a guy hit her and tried to rape her, I just sat there watching like the pussy I am." he said and my heart shattered for him, he blames himself everyday, and I feel bad for not seeing he was hurting inside.

"Baby, I love you so fucking much, and you need to know your mom wouldn't blame you, she would be proud of the person you have become today, if anything your mom wouldn't want you to get involved in that situation, please don't beat yourself up over it forever, I'll be here forever and I will help you accept every part of yourself" I say wiping away the tears that would slip down his cheeks, my own eyes watered at his story and if made me see how strong of a person he really is.

"Iris, I love you" he choked out with a smile pressing his head to mine

"I love you too" I said before pressing my lips to his in a feverish kiss before there was a knock at the truck window, I rolled down the window and there was a small petite older asian women standing there with a small bag that had Xanders name on it.

"you order food?" she asked in a thick Chinese accent that made her all the more adorable, I smiled at her.

"yes thank you" I said taking the bag from her and handing her the money, I told her to keep the change and she smiled at me before waving bye and walking back into the little diner.

"How is it that we're always interrupted" Xander said with a huff and I laughed at him 

"I don't know, we'll get alone time eventually" I said with a wink and he raised an eyebrow and smirked at me.

"eventually yes" he said turning his attention back on the road and I blushed.


When we got home Xander grabbed the bag before we hopped out of the truck and towards the front door, everyone was standing there waiting for me, the minute everyone saw me I was engulfed in a ginormous group hug, which my introvert ass was not used to.

"holy fucking shit, we missed you bitch it's about time" Harper said after everyone finally let me go, but we were all still crowded by the door.

"I know Harper, how dreadful it must have been for you with ME being in a coma" I said sarcastically and she hit my shoulder lightly.

"I knew the first thing you'd want when you woke up was food" Quinn said coming out from behind everyone in grey sweats and a red hoodie, she had her hair in a messy bun and bag under her eyes, frankly she looked like shit, but I wasn't about to say that in front of everyone.

"hey, don't hate the fat ass, hate the...actually I don't fucking know scratch that" I said awkwardly and we all started laughing, I looked around the crowed for Trinity and Jack but couldn't fin them.

"Where's Jack and Trinity?" and Sophia sucked in a breath.

"yeah about that" Sophia said and I eyed her expectantly.

"we won't be seeing them in a long time" she said and I raised an eyebrow.

"yeah, Trinity tried to fuck Xander and Jack found out and Trinity blamed it all on Xander so Jack walked into the living room and punched him which caused a fight which lead to Jack getting his ass beat and then they left and took a trip out of state" Chase butted in and I furrowed my eyebrows looking over at Xander and he raised them in mock surrender.

"hey, he said tried to, nothing happened I din't let it" he said and I smiled at him

"good, otherwise I'd have to slit her fucking throat" I said and everyones mouths were open in surprise, well everyone but the pack members.

"yeah, now that you know about what she is, get prepared to see a dark and twisted side of her" Mackenzie said and I growled at her.

"shut the fuck up Mack" Jasper piped up and she eyed him, I looked over at me and he gave me a weak smile which I returned before I saw his eyes wander to Quinn, well would you look at that, the little shit found his mate...maybe it will change him.

"yes, shut the fuck up Mack, nobody wants to hear what comes out of your mouth, god we all know what goes in" Quinn said over pronouncing the word "Mack" and I chuckled.

"who the fuck are you human hoe" Mackenzie said in return and Jasper growled before anyone could say anything, he grabbed Mackenzie by the neck and pinned her against the wall making everyone gasp.

"watch how you talk to Quinn or I'll kill you my fucking self" he said before throwing her to the side letting her breath and walking upstairs towards his room.

"Quinn" Chase said and she stiffened before slowing turning towards him and giving him a tight lipped smile, okay something definitely happened between them.

"what?" she said stiffly

"go talk to him" he said and she scoffed looking away from him like he didn't even say anything.

"seriously Quinn, I think he has something to tell you" Sophia said and I nodded in agreement.

"fine, but only because you guys have me curious" she said stalking off after Jasper.

"okay guys well me and Xander are going to my room so we can eat and get ready for bed" I said and everyone nodded going about their own business and me and Xander went upstairs to my room.

"I'm gonna go get changed real quick, I'll be right back out" I said grabbing clothes and walking to the bathroom, I had this foreign feeling in my body and it made me smile....

I felt happy.


*not edited*

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