Chapter 3: Falling in Love

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//While in the kitchen\\

Lisa: So many years do you have...

Emalee: 16... You?

Lisa: 15...we din't have the chance to celebrate...

Emalee: I'm just so sorry for your loss Lisa...

Lisa: Yeah I guess...
Do you live alone?

Emalee: My mom left me with my brother,hes staying with his friends. My mom is in Spain and comes back in 8 months and 24 days... Shes in the army and well...ive been alone this days...or should I say months...

Lisa: i still don't belive you let us's really sweet

Emalee: it's the best I can do...


Emalee: soo...How about your...

*Lisa widens eyes and looks at Emalee*

Emalee: If you want to talk about it... No had a loong day and you should get some rest...

Lisa: Yeah... Were dirty and sweaty and tired as well...

Emalee: *gives towels to Lisa* Go bath to the bathroom and sleep in the guest room,it haves two beds so it will be comfy too *smiles*

Lisa: Thanks Emalee! Ill just help you clean up

Emalee: Oh no! You're the guest so you just relax and sleep ill do this!

Lisa: *smiles* If you insist!

•In the Morning•

??: Emaa wheres the t.v. Remotee??

Emalee: It's in your room lazy pants!

??: I looked for it there and it's not there!!!

Emalee: Robert! Look for it! And be quiet guests are here!

Robert: Who??

Emalee: some Girls! Just mind yo business!

*Lisa gets up and goes to kitchen*

Emalee: Oh Hi Lisa! This is Robert my brother!

Lisa: hee- *she stops talking and starts to stare Robert with eyes of Love and Pasion dreaming of the two toguether... (Shes in loove peoplee!)

Robert: Hey

Lisa: H...Hi...!

Robert: You okay?

Lisa: Y-Yes why do y-ou as-ask...?

Robert: Cuz you have your hand in the frying pan...

Lisa: ooh... OHH!! *pulls hands out* *starts to blow* Yea I'm FINE!

Robert: O...k...
*he leaves to his kitchen*

Emalee: What happend to youu! You acted weird and acted in...Love... Ooooooohh

Lisa: Wait wait what?? Noo no! *blushes*

Emalee: You! Like! Robert!

Lisa: no! Of course not! *blushes even reder*

Emalee: just say it! I wont say anything!

Lisa: fine...I
*mumbles* like him...

Emalee: Whaat?

Lisa: *mumbles louder*
I like him...

Emalee: Whaaat??

Lisa: I LIKE HIIM!!!

Emalee: hehe! Thats what I needed to hear!

Lily: *yawns* Whats happening?

Emalee: Lisa likes-
*lisa covers her mouth with get hands*

Lisa: Yes! I like hamburguers!!!

Lily: Weren't you vegetarian?

Lisa: Not anymore!!

Lily: ... *confused*

Lisa: Just bath and eat Lil'

Lily: Ok!
*Lily leaves*

Lisa: EMALEE!!

Emalee: *laughs* whaat??

Lisa: don't be so ugghh and don't tell anyone!

Lily: Even Lily?

Lisa: no,ill tell her myself...when she's 49....

Emalee: Oh Lisa lisa...
*gives breakfeast*


Emalee: Yuus


Emalee: You told Lily you werent vegetarian anymore...

Lisa: Well I'm vegatarian again!

Emalee: *poker face* (😑)

{{This part is a little more long! I write parts in notes then copy paste it,so i go places without wifi and keep writing. I'll at least update 2 times a day,this can be a loong short story😸
Like it so far? I allready told you I'm new at this and the parts can be short too😹 but I'm liking it! What should feel Robert For Lisa??

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