Chapter 2

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Caitlin's POV.

Finally after a long ass flight, we finally landed in LA. Erika and I were like trying not to scream. We're actually here. I can't believe it! We went to the baggage claim and got our suitcases. After that we went to the front to get a taxi. We got in one and I told him which hotel we were staying at. The best about this one is that it's right by the beach. I can't wait to just lay on the beach all day. We were talking about what we should do for the day. We just decided to just go shopping a bit and go out to eat. Then probably just stay in the hotel and chill. We got to the hotel and it was beautiful.

We got our stuff and went inside. I walked up to the front desk to get our room keys. I saw that our rooms is on the 3rd floor. We went to the elevators and pressed 3. When the doors open, we walked down the hallway. We got to our rooms, let me tell you the room was amazing. It's like the best room I've ever had before. We got settled in and started to unpack.

"Wow this room is amazing. I love the view." Erika said.

The view is amazing I have to agree. It's a view of the beach. I love the beach. I wish I can just move here and live her forever but I know that will never happen.

"Ok so you want to do some shopping first?" I asked. She nodded her head and we left our room.

We decided to walk around the hotel first to see what was around it. I saw a boardwalk and we decided to go there. We went to the shops that were there and got a few things. We spent acouple hours here at the boardwalk. We decided to walk along the beach.

"Ok so what are we gonna eat?" Erika asked.

"I saw In-N-Out. I've never had it before but heard it's good."

"Oh god yes! Let's go, I'm starving." I laughed. We left and went to In-N-Out. We were waiting in line to get food when these guys came in and were right behind us. They were kinda loud but we didn't pay any attention to them. We were next so when they said next we went up to it. We gave them our order. I start to look for my card but I couldn't find it. Oh my god where is it? What if I left it in a store. All of a sudden, while I was searching through my bag and wallet, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around and it was one of the guys but it wasn't any guy it was Bryan Williams.

'"This fell out of your wallet when you opened it." He smiled. I blushed. His smile is so cute and oh my god. I grabbed my card and turned around to pay for our stuff. We decided to get it to go so we can just chill at the hotel. We waited for our food while The Bryan Williams and Chris Williams were ordering.

"Oh shit! I can't believe Bryan gave you your card. Wow Chris is really cute." Erika said.

"Trust me, I'm shocked that their here with us. I can't believe we got to see them." I said amazed.

"Should we ask for a picture together?" She asked.

"Nah let's not bother them." We grabbed our food and started to head back to the hotel. We were joking around.

"Hey wait up!" We heard someone shouted. We turned around and saw Bryan and Chris running towards us. OMG is this really happening? Why are they coming up to us. Ok keep your cool.

"Hey we were wondering if you girls wanted to hang out?" Chris asked. He was looking at Erika and smiling at her.

"Um...yea sure we were going back to our hotel to chill." I said avoiding eye contact with cause if I made contact, I don't think I would be speaking right now.

"That's ok we can come with you. If it's alright with you guys?" Bryan smiled. My sister and I nodded our heads. So we all walked back to the hotel. When we got there, we were trying to decide what movie to watch.

We couldn't decide between four movies. Clueless, Bird Box, 21 jump street, or Baby Mama. Everyone couldn't decide what to watch. Erika wanted Baby Mama. Chris picked Bird Box. I wanted to watch Clueless. Last but not least Bryan wanted to watch 21 Jump Street.

"Ok how about this. We write them on pieces of paper, then one of us pick one out and the one they pick we watch." Chris says. We all nodded and Chris wrote the names on the papers. Then he put them all in a hat.

"Alright who wants to pick?" He asked. Erika pushed me forward. Well I guess I'm doing it. I put my  hand in the hat and picked one. I opened the paper and it said BABY MAMA!!

"Baby Mama." Erika started cheering. The boys groaned but put the movie on anyways. I do like this movie. Tina Fey and Amy Poehler are so funny together. After the movie was done, we just sat and talked.

"So tell us about yourselves." Bryan said.

"Well I'm Erika. I'll be turning 18 on July 4th. I just graduated from High School and haven't decided yet what I want to do when I go to college." Erika continued rambling about what she might do in college and I saw Chris just staring at her and smiling. Listening to her every word. I smiled at the sight. Then I looked over to see Bryan staring at me. When he saw that I caught him, he just smiled and looked away. I have to admit, he looks really good right now.

"What made you guys want to come hang with us?" Erika asked. I gave her a look like why she asked that.

"Honestly, you guys seemed like cool girls and we wanted to get to know you." Bryan answered. "What about you Caitlin? Tell us about yourself." He said turning to me.

"Well there's not much to know about me. I'm 21, I didn't go to college cause like Erika didn't know what I wanted to do. So I stayed to help my mom and worked a lot." I remembered Mom was struggling cause my stepdad got laid off. So I worked my ass off to help her.

"Wow.. that was sweet of you. Do you know now what you want to do in college?" Bryan asked.

"Kinda but not yet." I answered sadly. I still don't know what I'm good at.

" Well don't worry you have time to figure it out." He said while giving me a handsome smile. Wow he is so handsome. It's so hard not to jump across the couch and kiss him. I kept my cool, I didn't want to freak him out.

"Hey we have to get back to the house, but you guys should come over tomorrow and meet everyone." Chris said. We made plans to hang out tomorrow around noon. We all gave each other hugs and they left. Bryan smelled really good. The hug between us lasted couple seconds longer but I had to pull away or I might've never let him go.

"DUDE! We just hung out with Bryan and Chris Williams!" Erika shouted excitedly. I was still in a state of shock. We just met and hung out with the Williams brothers. Pinch me i must be dreaming.

"Yea I can't believe it." I said. I looked at the time and it was almost 1 am. We decided to get some sleep cause tomorrow is gonna be another long day. I got in my pjs and brushed my teeth then jumped into bed. I can't wait what's in store for tomorrow. I just know I'll be hanging with Bryan again. After a few minutes I fell into a deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2021 ⏰

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