Chapter 26: The Finale Part 1

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"What are you trying to pull now, Pork Butt?!" Chara shouted at Porky.

"You see, while you guys were having your little reunion, I stole all of the monster SOULs," Porky explained, "All I need to do now is to give them to this pig doll, and the Masked Man will be revived! Except, there's a problem. I'm short one SOUL. Asriel, you have the last SOUL I need!" This didn't please the others, as they all walked in front of me, preparing weapons and spells.

"You stay away from my child," Human Mom said.

"He's my child too," Henry added.

"You're gonna have to go through us first before you lay a finger on him!" Kumatora remarked.

"I may be lazy, but I won't let you hurt the ones I love," Ness said, not as enthusiastic as the others.

"Heh," Porky said, "You guys really are idiots!" He pulled out a red button from his back pocket and pressed it. Suddenly, the floor below us opened up and we all fell in.

Everyone seemed to land harshly. I fell on my face, shattering the glasses I was wearing. I looked around and saw the others. Nothing else was there except a dark path leading to the needle that shined in the darkness.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"We must be under the castle," Kumatora answered, "But wow is it dusty and dark."

"What is that?" Human Mom asked, pointing to the needle.

"That's the needle," Jeff answered, "Once Asriel pulls that out, human kind will be free." Human Mom crossed her arms, lowered her eyebrows, and looked at Flint.

"You're telling me that there was a needle under here the whole time and you didn't tell me?!" she scolded at him.

"I had no idea," Flint answered.

"Regardless," Chara said, "It's important for Asriel to get to that needle. Go now."

"Okay," I responded. I ran as fast as I could to the needle, but then I was stopped when Porky, who had gotten into a spider shaped machine, jumped in my way.

"It's time for you to give me your SOUL!" he shouted, "You'll never defeat me now! I am more powerful than I ever was before. I will not let you pass. Humans and monsters should never live in peace!"

"We'll take you down," Kumatora said as she summoned a spear, "We will be free from this prison."

"That machine looks weak enough," Jeff told us, "If we throw everything we got at it, we should be able to destroy it. I know that because I constructed it."

"Perfect," Kumatora said, "I can't wait to beat up this punk!" She threw her spear at the leg of the spider. I didn't do much though.

"Fools!" Porky laughed, "Did you really think physical attacks worked on me?!"

"No," Hinawa answered, "But magical attacks do." Then, she cast fire magic at Porky while Flint cast lightning magic. Porky still resisted. His machine then crawled over to me and pinned me to the ground.

"It was nice knowing you," he said as he raised his robot leg to stab me. As he was about to pierce through my heart, Chara cast a shield on me, blocking the attack.

"Stay away from my friend!" she shouted, trying to keep the shield up, "Henry! Now!"

"Right," Henry responded. He raised his staff in the air and cast a ray of light at Porky, knocking him out of the spider mech along with launching the mech to the side, setting me free. 

"Did we do it?" Chara asked. Porky got up from off the ground.

"You fools!" he said, "I still have the six monster SOULs! All I need to do now is to feed them to the pig doll." One by one, we watched him feed each SOUL to the pig doll.

"Do something!" I said, "He's going to summon the Masked Man!" Everyone turned away from me, as if they had lost their hope. 

"It's still not enough?" Porky said to the pig doll, "I know what we need." I watched Porky as I saw him rip out his SOUL and feed it to the pig doll. A terrible turn of event occurred at that moment. Porky fainted due to the lack of a SOUL, and the pig doll magically transformed into the Masked Man we all feared. Except, something didn't seem right. The Masked Man turned to me.

"Ralsei, is that you?" he asked, "No, it's not. Ralsei's been gone for a long time. But, you look like him. So whoever you are, you will pay for what Ralsei did!" Suddenly, he shot lightning out of his hands, knocking out all of my friends. Then, he fired one bolt at me. Thanks to the Franklin Badge, I was able to deflect the lightning, causing it to fire back at Masked Man. He quickly dodged out of the way.

The final battle had truly begun. I was filled with Courage.

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