Chapter One

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I didn't want to move schools again, I had almost liked the people at my old one.
Of course, being a sophomore in high school and constantly changing schools, I couldn't care any less about making friends.
          I didn't need any, they just made me miserable, knowing I'd have to leave them.
Maybe this new town will be better.
I'm moving to a small, coastal city called, "Teignmouth" in south England.
It seems peaceful. Quiet..

First day of school.

I wake up to my mom calling for me, I look at the clock, realizing I'm gonna be late.
I quickly run to my closet, grabbing a shirt, pants and shoes, panicking.
"Ahh- just a second mum!" I yell. "I swear I'm gonna fucking top myself.." I mumble, not really meaning it. I was just angry.
I brush my teeth, running downstairs.
"The bus is here, Dominic." My mum says, I nod and run.
I just barely am able to get on the bus, I'm huffing from running so much.
A few other kids look at me, and chuckle.
I sigh, rubbing my eyes. I'm so tired.
My eyes close, and then pop open when the bus stops. We're at the school, and I must have fallen asleep on the way.
I get off the bus, looking at the school building in front of me.
People are walking in and out, very different types of people.
One caught my eye, a short, pale boy. He was wearing a light blue sweater, with the sleeves that went over his knuckles, and white skinny jeans. His hair was spiky, and he had bright, neon pink shoes on. I couldnt help but laugh at him from across the front of the school. His outfit choice was.. interesting, to say the least.
Compared to me, wearing all black, his bright choice of clothing was.. cute.
The first bell rang, and I headed to class.     
           Everyone had already sat down, and I saw the boy, sitting by himself. He was fidgeting with a piece of paper, ripping it up. He sighed, putting his hand under his chin, his elbow on his desk. He looked to the side, the light from the window glistened in his electric blue eyes.
I blushed, looking down. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Mr. Howard, nice to see you. Go ahead and take a seat." The teacher said. I nodded, and sat in front of the boy.
He chuckled from behind me.
The lesson started, and I could barely pay attention.
The boy started throwing the ripped up pieces of paper at me, they were rolled up into little paper spheres. I awkwardly looked back at him, confused, and he continued to throw them at me.
I sighed, and waited until the teacher wasn't looking, to move seats. I moved next to a group of people who also looked a bit emo, maybe they were just grunge.
I sat there, talking to them.

Soon, it was break time. I sat with my grunge friends, just talking to them about Nirvana and things. I saw the boy and his little group. He was laughing, and looked happy.
I could help but stare at him. One of my friends nudged my shoulder.
"You like the little pop boys, Dom? What are you, gay?" They laughed at me. I sighed. "No, I wasn't staring.. I just dazed off."
I obviously was staring at him.
"Sure.." My friend said.

Soon, the school day was over, and I got on the bus. I saw the boy get onto my bus, as well. I blushed, looking down.
He sat in the seat across from me. His eyes glistened in the sunlight again, the sun had started to go down.
He got up at his stop, and left the bus. I watched him walk into his small house. He lived on the bottom of a small hill, that led up to a cliff. He had sheep, as well.
I fell asleep that night, the only thing I could think about was that boy.

Hi! Thank you for reading. The chapter after this is going to be in Matt's POV.. I will see you then! Best wishes💞

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