Hey guys!!

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I have two announcements!!

My first one would be about the current events going on. I know a lot of people are out protesting and for that I'm so proud and happy that many people are but I just want you guys to be safe and smart!! Make sure you wear a mask and bring supplies like a first aid kit, food and all those goodies!! Please look after yourselves and others! We're all in this together so please care for one another!!

For those of you who can't go out to protest do not fret, there are still ways you can help! There is a link in my bio that will send you to a website for more information on how you can help!! Please help our voice get louder! Even if you cant protest or donate, sign petitions!! Every little effort counts! We have yo fight this because what is happening is not okay!

#blacklivesmatter ✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿


For my second announcement!  I have a new book out!! So feel free to go check that out!!!☺️ Its called "My Lone Wolf" heres a sneak peak!


They spent most nights like this. Just in different places, hidden in no mans land. In between packs. Much like the ones Rosella vowed they were to never enter. To never step foot in. To never trust ever again.

The older women never held grudges. She was a forgiving lady. A much more loving, sweet, soft, and caring woman. However, it all changed when she and her son were forced to as their Alpha punished the love of her life. That day her mate drew his last breath. She turned to hatred. She despised her pack. Hated the Alpha and Beta. The ones who were supposed to protect them. Even after loyalty, after twenty-eight years of fighting side by side. This was the grudge that she would take to her grave.

That same night she ran. She grabbed their son and the small sentimental possessions they owned.

They ran and vowed to never trust a pack ever again.

They accepted their fate as lone wolves.

   Together they would conquer the world. She would show him how to live the life of a lone wolf.

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