Chapter 3

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(What your wearing☝🏼)

"Go and sit by Ms Y/n..." the new students come and sit down by me after they've settled down....

(80 hours later😑~) 35 minutes later
".....And that's all for today" uuugh I didn't even understand anything in this lesson because~

You feel a hand on your shoulder " Ms y/n can you tell me about your self ~" Zane coooed (damn I don't know how to spell that shit but just go with it) I didn't reply I could clearly see Brittany and her minions glaring at me, you could literally smoke coming out of her ears, 'hahaha~ she looks funny when she is angry' 'I assure you that' said Chloe soo Zane started poking me I slapped his hand "so your not much of a talker" he smiled but I didn't pay attention to him.





*Pok-* "stop that perv" he was shocked that I talked but recovered it with a 😏 smirk.

BELL 🛎 *rings*
Finally it's lunch I walk out of class to my locker ,I put my locker combination pack my things in it and head to the forest .Im going to my favorite place in the forest that place is so peaceful I like going out there in the evening . When I wa- *SNAP* I turn my head in that direction I don't see anyone but I feel like someone is watching me so I just continue walking. When I reach the lake I seat on the grass and close my eyes , I feel someone watching me again I have powers but i don't want to be captured by crazy scientists.
I smell Someone or may I say people are behind me let me see, I think there are about 8-10 people I think they are the.......

Read to find out who these people are ,are they the crazy scientist , the creepypasta or an animal....

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