movie nights!!🧸🎥

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joe tazuna
•it was a friday night and you guys were walking home from school when he first brought up the idea
•"Y/N...lets have a movie night!"
•of course, i mean how could you not agree with him!!🥺
•you guys gather up a bunch of different sweets and popcorn, then settle down in your living room
•clickclickclickclick, you scroll through the movies until joe points out a horror movie
•you love horror movies
•joe cuddles into you with a few blankets covering you guys👉👈
•once a jumpscare flashes on the screen, you and joe both cling onto each other for dear life
• "welp, y/n, i think that might be it for movies tonight. don't ya think?"
•you quickly agree as you turn on some cartoons and fall asleep in the one and only joe tazuna's arms

keiji shinogi
•you and keiji are laying in bed on a lazy sunday
•you suggested that you guys watch a detective movie
•"you're my personal detective keiji, so i'm gonna watch a movie dedicated to you"
•he doesn't protest against it
•you guys make a bowl of popcorn and turn on the movie
•you got really into the movie, until keiji had to ruin it :(
•he started on about how this movie portrays detective work horribly and that it makes no sense how these things add up with those things
•he realized that he made you upset and decided to make it up to you by giving you the rest of the day to pick whatever movie you want to watch
•you made him sit through every princess movie there was

sou hiyori
•sou has a soft spot for movies with heavy drama, he just loves to pick and choose sides
•you guys usually buy some an assortment of sweets from the nearby convenience store
•he likes it when you build a blanket fort for him because he finds its adorable how much effort you put into it
•sou always gets a little too involved with the movie and tends to lash out at the tv when something doesn't go his way
• "sou, baby, it's just a movie."
•by the end of the movie he's cuddled into your side while his scarf is around your shoulders
•he always mentions thankful he is to have you a his s/o🥺🥺

q-taro burgerberg
•definitely some kind of intense action movie
•you guys order takeout before you start the movie
•you guys are laying next to each other in your shared bed
•as the movie progresses you start venting to q-taro about how you don't want the main character to die because he's such a good guy 👉👈
• "i promised no spoilers so I guess you're just going to have to wait y/n ;)"
•that ticks you off
•turns out the main character survives and he turns out to be a well known hero
•q-taro makes you cookies as an apology to ticking you off earlier
•its all good because you guys cuddle and get some rest afterward

alice yabusame
•definitely a horror movie
•you guys cuddle on the couch as the movie begins
•alice tends to boast about how he doesn't get scared during any type of horror movie
• "that's right y/n, i have never been scared by a movie ever"
•once the slasher pops out he screams like a little kid
• no comment
• "hey y/n it's getting kinda late i think we should
be getting to bed anyways"
•he makes you cuddle him all night so the monsters don't get him 🥺

kazumi mishima
•he enjoys documentaries
•you think they're boring🙈
•you convince to watch musicals with you🥺
•as you sing along to one of the musicals, he looks at you with pure bliss 👉👈
•you grab his hand and you guys have a whole concert
•"y/n, i must admit that am enjoying these musicals dearly"
•"i know!! you should always try out new things kazumi!"
•after about 4 musicals your voices are strained and you're both sleepy
•as you both fall asleep in your shared bed, you let the entertaining memories dance inside your head

kai satou
•definitely be watching some type of cooking movie
•kai loves to point out the things in the movie that he could cook
• "kai!! do you see what that man is cooking, thats like something fit for a king!!!"
• "y/n, you know i could cook something like that for you whenever"
•while you guys are watching the movie, he allows you to braid his hair and try out different styles
•by the end of the movie you and kai and both feeling relatively inspired and decide to make one of the dishes that appeared in the movie
•you guys try to make ratatouille
•someone you end up messing up, but it tastes fine
•kai gives you a forehead kiss before you both head off to bed🥺🥺

rio ranger
•rio isn't too big on the whole "sit still and stay still" thing, but he tries for you
•you guys end up watching some stupid romance comedy you found on tv
• "tch, you seeing this y/n??? this bastards to scared to ask his s/o on a date. WHAT A LOSER"
•you have to calm him down so he doesn't end up breaking the damn tv
•he wraps his arms around your torso and snuggles into your shoulder
• "woahhhh rio?? being a softie??? what did you do with my boyfriend???? where did he go???" you playfully joked around with him
• "enjoy while you can, it won't last forever y/n" 😡😡
•even though he couldn't sit still for the majority of the movie, you were glad you're to spend time with with your one and only

for my ladies🏳️‍🌈🙈

reko yabusame
•reko loves any type of 'coming of age' movies
•you guys build a fort in your living room and began the movie
•you tend to gush about how much you love the main character and how they deserved a better life
•reko acted as if she was not interested, but deep down she loved to hear you talk about the things that make you happy
•reko boasts about she knows the band who made the soundtrack of the movie you two were watching
•you, being the sensitive person you are, cried after their family dog died in the movie
•reko panicked and quickly shut off the movie in hopes of making you feel better
•later that night she gave you extra cuddles and kisses as you began to fall asleep

nao egokoro
•nao convinces you to watch a movie about how art has been changing the world
•you personally believed that a movie like that sounds boring and flavorless
•but you watch it only to make nao happy
•as you began to watch more and more of the movie you truly become intrigued
•you end up asking nao many questions about the different kinds of art and art styles in the world
•nao is happy that you're enjoying yourself
•at the end of the movie you guys both cuddle into each other's arms and remind each other how much you love one another👉👈🥺

(A/N: 1204 words!! not including this part. if you see this then please leave a nice comment and a vote, that would be pretty rad😎😎 anyways i love you guys!!💞💞 thank you for supporting my story, i look forward to writing a lot more in the near future)

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