♡ dawn with Billie ♡

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My mind feels hazy, swimming in the mild dazed sensation of waking a warm bed in the early morning. I snuggle into the soft covers enveloping me. I nuzzle into the comforting nest of covers when I come to realize without surprise that it isn't just the blankets giving me warmth.

I open my eyes and immediately close the again, the first uncomfortable sensation this morning. It's too damn early to be awake, the sun has only just begun to rise casting the room in the eerie light of dawn. Though the light is so faint, it feels blazingly bright to my tired eyes.

I quickly nuzzle my face into the bed. I feel the soft touch of a hand, of fingers lightly brushing over my back. The faint motions bring my mind back to the pleasant, euphoric haze. I smile and move closer to the form lying with me.

I dare myself to open my eyes again. I blink the sleepiness away and look at the girl i share a bed with every night.

I'm greeted with a messy mop of green and black hair and a lopsided grin. Ocean eyes with a love in them so deep i could drown in them forever and I will never get tired of waking up to this sight for as long as I live.

♡ Dawn With Billie ♡ Where stories live. Discover now