Mr. Right? | 23

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When I woke up the day after, all of the boys excluding Ethan had already left - and understandably so because I'd gotten up extremely late. Around half past two in the afternoon to be precise. Ethan insisted on staying, however, because he wanted to play another round of Overwatch to 'prove his worth' - his words, not mine.

"Suck my toes you worthless piece of used q-tip," Ethan screamed into the microphone. "Oh fuck you, you little shit! You wanna try me, huh? Come here, you little fucker."

My eyes widened at the string of profanities spilling out of his mouth and I went over to my door so I could shut it so as to prevent my mother from hearing him. 

"Ethan, calm down, my mom might hear you," I warned. 

"No, this is my coping mechanism for whenever I'm pissed off," Ethan responded. 

"What pissed you off?" I snorted. "It's just a game."

"No, it's not that," he began with a sigh. "Barbara texted me today - and shut the fuck up, it's not just a game. It's my life."

I ignored the latter part of what he had said and sat down beside him, staring at the screen, "What did she say to you?"

"She said she doesn't want to be our friend anymore," he said with a bitter laugh. "As if I still considered her my friend after what she did. I mean.. I did but I was waiting for her to come clean and apologize to me. But no, she still thinks she's on a fucking pedestal and we're all her fucking slaves. Fuck you, Barbara Schnei-dick."

I glanced over at him with raised brows, "She really said that?"

"She said 'I don't want to be friends with you or Kairo anymore, I'm happy with Alexandria'," he snorted, creases appearing on his forehead from how pissed off he was. "As if she was never happy when she was with us."

I didn't respond. Somehow, I wasn't even bothered by what he was telling me. I had managed to get over the whole Alexandria thing sooner than I thought I would and it really left me thinking about what Alexander had asked me earlier. Did I really even have feelings for her in the first place? Was it really an obsession like he had said it was? 

In that case, my whole life has been a lie. 

"Does Alexandria fucking Miller play Overwatch as good as I do, huh Barbara?" Ethan spat, abusing the controllers in a fit of rage. I let out a sigh and elbowed his side, "Don't break my controllers, you asshole - or I'll murder you and use your insurance to pay for a new one."

Ethan didn't respond - nor did he listen to my warning. I was about to curse him out when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out with a sigh and checked the notification before grinning to myself.

Alexander had sent me a message along the lines of: 'I'm sorry for leaving without saying goodbye. Thank you for not snoring like a whale. I had fun at your place! We should hang out again some time.'

'No, it's alright don't worry about it. And you had fun at my place? We were studying trigonometry the whole time, what do you mean?' I typed back.

'I like being in your presence :P' was his response. 

I chewed onto my lower lip as hard as I could to keep myself from smiling like an idiot. Ethan somehow managed to notice and peeked over my shoulder out of curiosity. Following that, he let out a teasing noise, "You and Alex, huh?" 

"Shut up, we're just friends," I grumbled. "And I'm not gay."

"Whatever you say, heterosexual," he shrugged. "I don't smile like that at my phone when I'm texting my homies though."

"Then are they really your homies?" I fired back with a raised brow. When he didn't respond, I let out a victorious chuckle before responding to Alexander's message with something along the lines of: 'I like being in your presence as well, but please stop torturing me with trigonometry :/'

'Never, we made a deal remember? Anyway, I've got to go take care of something now. Look after yourself :) xx' he responded in a matter of a few minutes. 

'You too, take care! xx' I typed back before shoving my phone back into my pocket, my cheeks coated with a red tint. 

Why did just texting Alexander make me so flustered? Was I going insane?

I placed my palm against my chest and my eyes widened at how fast it was beating. 

Holy fuck, I'm definitely going insane.

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