Story 2 - Lacusha, the time travelling frog

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"Oh hello Mr Frog" said Leanne.
"Hello Leanne, how are you today?" He replied in that way that no frog ever could.
"You can talk, I've never met a talking frog before" Leanne told him.
"Oh that's right you haven't" he said with sadness. "I am Lacusha the time travelling frog" he told her as if she should know.
"Oh I didn't know frogs could time travel" she told him.
"No I am the only one".
"How did you know my name Mr Lacusha" said the little girl.
"It's just Lacusha, as I said before, I am the time travelling frog".
"Hmm okay, doesn't answer my question but I like you, come walk with me, I am lost will you keep me company on my way home" she asked of him, "I will stay with you until you get home Leanne I promise" he hopped more than walked though for walking for a frog was very slow.
"Oh, look a fork in the road which way should we take?" Leanne asked.
"You should take the left path, it's a much better path" Lacusha told her.
"But I want to take the right path!" She told him.
"You should take the left path Leanne" repeated Lacusha the time travelling frog.
"But I think my home is to the right", without further discussion she walked down the right fork in the road.

"Oh hello Mr Frog" said Leanne
"Hello Leanne, how are you today?" He replied in that way no other frog could.
"You can talk, I've never met a talking frog before" Leanne told him.
Lacusha sighed, "I am the only one".
"Do you want to help me find my home? I am a little lost" Lacusha nodded.
"I will stay with you until you get home Leanne" he hopped beside her for walking was very slow for a frog.
"Oh look, a fork in the road which way should we take?" Leanne asked.
"Take the left path Leanne" he started hopping down the left path to coerce her but something drew her to the right one.

"Oh Hello Mr frog" said Leanne.
"I am Lacusha" said the frog.
"Oh you can talk" said Leanne, Lacusha said nothing.
"What are you doing out here Mr Lacusha?" Leanne asked bending down to him.
"I am here to help a friend, I made a promise many years ago, I won't break my promise" Lacusha told Leanne.
"Oh you must be a good friend, I would love a friend like you, I don't have many but you sound like a loyal one, please be my friend" Leanne asked him.
Lacusha looked at her, "we already are Leanne, I will always be here for you" she smiled and rubbed his head with her finger. They traveled the path together until they reached a fork in the road.

"Oh Hello Mr frog" said Leanne.
The frog said nothing, it just sat there in the middle of the road, it just looked at her sad.
"Why are you so sad?" Leanne asked of the frog, she bent down to look closer at it. As she got closer the frog leaped at her leaving little dirty marks on her dress.
"Hey don't do that, I only want a friend", she tried to reach for him but he snapped at her hand with his long tongue.
"Hey, don't be mean" she told him, the frog just stared.
She tried to go around it, but it jumped at her with a menace she would never expect from such a tiny creature.
"I just want to get home and you are stopping me from doing that" she screamed and stomped her feet. As she tried to pass it again the frog jumped on her face, Leanne screamed and grabbing the frog she threw it on the floor where it just thumped and laid out flat not moving.
"No no I'm so sorry" Leanne began to cry. She turned around in disgust not wanting to see the poor frog she had mortally wounded, then she walked away head in her hands crying.
"Good bye my friend" Lacusha whispered with his final breath, in the way that no frog can.

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